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  1. P


    Wait, you didn't know you loved this guy until three months after you started dating?
  2. P


    Religion is a rather touchy subject. I have a lot of opinions, non that seem to fit into a certain category. 1) I believe there is something out there. Life has to be more than just this. Call me an antagonist but if this is all life gets to be, I would like a refund please. I want to believe...
  3. P

    Have you ever been at deaths door?

    Oh no, I really was serious. How dare you accuse me of being sarcastic!!! I almost died, and you don't seem to care.
  4. P

    Is it okay for guys to wear skinny jeans?

    Fine, as long as they're bought in the right size and can actually fit over your a**.
  5. P

    Do you play music while you take a shower?

    I sing in the shower, but I don't bring music in because I can never hear it. When I have a bath I do though, or when drying my hair.
  6. P


    I have a 16GB iPod Touch, so I'm always having to clean the screen though. I love it, it's my baby :P
  7. P

    Country Music

    I don't like it! Not to be discriminative, but I'm not a fan of a southern accent. Plus they all seem too be singing about how someone ran over their dog
  8. P

    BLINK 182!

    Oh good god :P
  9. P

    Things you think are overused in books

    Here here! I'm English, though I live in Canada now, you have no idea how many times a day I have to tell people. I do not know the Queen I'm not from London I do not know (insert British celebrity here) I am not rich.
  10. P


    1) Tough situation, but from my standpoint, I don't think it's your place to tell him. I know you're friends but it will be 100% worse coming from you. It'll make him feel in the dark, like he was the only person not to know. If I were you, I'd convince her to tell him. You say she's your...
  11. P


    I have no plans to, I'm not a big fan of kids. I like the ones I babysit. But The idea of my own kids does nothing for me really.
  12. P

    Do you look like someone in your family?

    hmm, not really, though my and my sister sort of have the same Face shape.
  13. P

    Things you think are overused in books

    I see the "Ugly Duckling syndrome" a lot. Meh, It just gets a but repetative. But I'm an advid reader. I'll read anything.
  14. P

    Which books make you cry/sad?

    Most books make me cry. It would be quicker for me to name you the books I haven't cried at
  15. P

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    I've always been klutzy, but I will admit people do take it too far. People think I'm lying when I tel them what I've done.
  16. P

    Dr Who : David Tennant

    I want dalek shaped sandwiches :D I'm very sad. I loved David. But I was pretty sceptical when he started, just because I loved Chris too! I swaer some of my favourite quotes have come from David
  17. P

    American Idol

    Haha. They normally have the last years winner singing at the final **hopes**
  18. P

    Questionable moments...

    Relax. Do you even really like this guy? Try and find his phone number or E-mail Sorry, I'm drugged up on painkillers, so this might not make much sence
  19. P

    What's your name? What about nicknames?

    Megan is my real name I go by English (The joys of living in a Canadian town and being British) Meg Megz Megzi Bells Dips The clutzy one &gt;_&gt;
  20. P

    Do you have a boy/girlfriend?

    No. Not really my thing at the moment I'm a pretty solitary person.