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  1. M

    What are you listening to now?

    Live my life- Rihanna feat. T-pain <3
  2. M

    What Are You Wearing Right Now?

    Ohh funkyy =] lol
  3. M

    Preteen Girls!

    No..i dont want a boyfriend maybe till ike 17-22 or something...i like being a kid :huh:
  4. M

    Rent movies

    LOL just a little bit yes it did...
  5. M

    Favorite Fruit!

    ooohhh green sour juicy apples =D and cherries are awesome too lol im so weird sometimes..
  6. M

    Jon and Kate plus 8!

    lol i know all there not obsessed or anything i just love the show. Okay here it goes Twins: Cara and Mady Sextuplets: Hannah, leah, alexis, aaden, joel, and collin ;)
  7. M


    OMG YOU FRED HATER! lol just kidding but i still love fred
  8. M

    is it safe?

    You seem young to be online were the same age 12 right? Well you need to tell your parents everything he says and everything you said to him but always be very cautions cause you dont really know the person whos typing those messages..I wouldnt if i were you but its your choice but...
  9. M

    What Are You Wearing Right Now?

    Im wearing..... Aeropastale shirt Dark jeans Hair up Very simple =P lol
  10. M

    Rent movies

    yeah my brother ordered that blockbuster thing where he makes a list of movies and they mail on when were done watching another one...sometimes i just burn movies on limewire but i dont do that, that often. :huh:
  11. M

    Cervical Cancer!

    Oops im sorry...i guess i wasnt talking about the right type of thing then...nevermind me lol
  12. M

    What happened?

    May of 06' over i guess im an orignal
  13. M

    Are you...

    lol i would extremly parnoid about the littlest thing to the biggest :P
  14. M

    Over Religious friend?

    Now do all people think that way? I respect you opinon and all have to be respectful of someones believes. Just like im respectful to athiests i expect them to be respectful to me.
  15. M


    i was watching a special on 9/11 but it was different because they played all home videos from people who were actually there recording was so sad it made me cry and i said a prayer for all the people who died and their families. I dont cry often but this was SO sad..and yes i agree that...
  16. M

    whats the song...

    Oh im sorry..i didnt know..well if there is a guide can feel free to close it! And i love viva la vida =D
  17. M

    Obama vs. Mccain

    Im on obamas side because i think we are in desperate need of a also a democrat (or however u spell it lol) Mcain agrees 90% with bush and what has bush done? Kill troops? Start wars? Spend billions of dollors? So what are YOU?? I honestly don't like any topic in here that brings up...
  18. M

    whats the song...

    everyone has a couple of favorite songs that they LOVEE <3 My two songs i couldnt live without are... "Im just a girl" By No Doubt "Bittersweet symphony" By The verve I have alot more but i limited myself to only two!
  19. M


    the person who is fred is very creative =D but ya im a fred fan!
  20. M

    Over Religious friend?

    Well...that would be disrespectful and rude in my opinon :rolleyes: and dont say that its annoying you just say "Hm i feel like we talk about this to much, do you think we can talk about other things to?" and silly religon talk isnt very nice either..well thats just my opinon.