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  1. M


    I have curly hair too. it kindaaa sucks...i straighten it like every week :] But, usualy keep it moisturised and please dont brush it, comb it after u take a shower then style it with mouse or something. Gel isnt the best to use on curly hair or any hair just becuase it makes it too
  2. M


    Yay, so we are all criminals! lol
  3. M

    What are the main languages where you live?

    English in the US...but where i live i think its mainly just english...but im sure people speak other langueges.
  4. M

    What is a slang word you use a lot?

    Instead of the f word i say funk. Instead of the b word i say beach. And, instead of the s word i say Sheet. =D
  5. M

    What grinds your gears?

    Well, that wasnt very nice.
  6. M

    1000 posts

    Thank you! lol I'm making such a big deal. Um...i dont want to like start a flame with you or anything but if you didnt care why did you post a new topic which would add to your posts anyway? Hmm...just asking. I know someone will soon corect me ;]
  7. M

    Favorite Stores?

    Aeropostale, Forever21, Target, and PINK :] I kinda love clothes
  8. M

    What grinds your gears?

    Ugh i hate it when people do that on myspace...ITS MYSPACE!
  9. M

    1000 posts

    Heyy Tamachaters :] Omg i think this is my 1003 post! Well, i was a little late but pretty close. A lot of people have like 100000 posts on here...HOW DO YOU DO THAT?! So how many posts do you have? Edit by TamaMum: Explanation regarding "attention seeking" threads...
  10. M

    What grinds your gears?

    Show offs Attension whores Racist people Sexist people Disrespectful people screetchy noises annoying songs my sister Those are just a few [;
  11. M

    It's my Birthday.

    Happy Belated Birthday and Join day to everyone! =D
  12. M

    Sex before Marriage

    Um..I am not old fashioned but i am waiting after mariage because I'm Catholic and it says in the bible. And it just seems like the right thing to do :l
  13. M

    What is your religeon?

    I am Catholic :] I go to confirmation every Sunday and I am pretty religous.
  14. M


    My fear is really retarted...Its heights and balloons lol. I get like freaked out even on a mall escalater (excuse my horable spelling) Balloons are scary to me too!!! I always have a phobia they are going to pop and i really hate that noise *shivers* I know, I'm pretty strange right?
  15. M


    Im lucky I even have my ears pierced! My pain tolerecne is really, really low. I alsmot cried whe ni got those done lol.. =]
  16. M

    How do you speak in real life?

    I think everyone has an accent. I have an American accent...and my voice is kind of high pitched in a weird way..Hmm how do i talk?
  17. M

    Rate the persons fave candy

    1 million/10 Um.....Those square shaped jollyranchers :]
  18. M

    1,005 things NOT to do in public.

    throw low fat chips in someones face :]
  19. M

    Rate the persons fave candy

    ?/10 i have no idea what the heck that is??? Jollyranchers mmm
  20. M

    What do you like to do on TT :.:

    Non-Tamatalk..i dont go on for tamagotchis at all...i think those things are quite annoying :l