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  1. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    There's one on Ebay at the moment for $29.99 and free shipping, haven't seen them get much better than that!
  2. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi Friends Growth chart

    My Neotchi became Tropicatchi with bad care and almost full BFF points.
  3. SakuraLove

    thinking of buying a new tama

    I love my V3, hands down my favourite of the ones you listed, and one of my favourites of all the connections.
  4. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    Ciao has paired up with Tamagotchi many times to make limited edition shell designs for the Keitai, Entama, Uratama, Mini, Tamagotchi School, etc. It makes perfect sense for them to release a limited edition pierce and I personally think it's super cute!
  5. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi friends; fault or just rubbish?

    My pink hearts one had some nicks on the faceplate (not very noticeable), but my leopard print one was pretty much perfect (and still is ^_^ )
  6. SakuraLove

    Does anyone over the age of 16 still play with tamagotchis?

    I'm almost 24, planning my wedding, and still obsessed with Tamagotchis! I got a couple of friends back into them as well, and my fiancé (who is 26) plays with mine as well. When I was younger, my parents used to ask me if I'd still be playing with "those toys" in high school, then university...
  7. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi friends; fault or just rubbish?

    This is your opinion, not fact. Not everyone likes the TF as much as you do, but that doesn't make what they're saying untrue. I have two of them and I'll admit that they are becoming rather boring and I'm hoping the website changes that. Everyone is free to make their own judgements, that...
  8. SakuraLove

    North American Tamagotchi Shell Designs V1-V4

    Thanks for the info! Thought I'd let you know you're missing one of the North American V2 designs: (Sorry for the blurry photo!) There is also a similar looking blue design with pink polka dots that compliments this design, but I don't have it. I've seen it pop up on ebay often though and...
  9. SakuraLove

    Most Underrated Tamagotchi?

    I agree that the V6/Music Star is extremely underrated. Even without the website active, it's a pretty feature-packed tama. Other than it being pretty needy, I love running mine and it brings back great memories!
  10. SakuraLove

    Favorite tamagotchi version? - Poll

    Hard to pick between connections and colours...I absolutely love the P's but I also adore my V2 and have it running all the time.
  11. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi friends; fault or just rubbish?

    I think I've figured out my issue with the Tama Friends. Forgetting the screen or quality concerns, what bothers me is that it's hard to connect to emotionally. With no items, clothes, accessories, etc. it's hard to really connect with it and it definitely feels less like a pet than some of my...
  12. SakuraLove

    Most Overrated Tamagotchi?

    The V5.5 was an improvement for sure, but the fact that all items can be obtained from codes makes it much less fun. It's a shame because the animations on the V5 and V5.5 are gorgeous.
  13. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi Friends Coffretchi evolution with good and bad care?!

    I have two Tama Friends and took good care of one and bad care of the other, I'm on my 2nd gen and got Coffretchi on both.
  14. SakuraLove

    Most Overrated Tamagotchi?

    Tama Go or the V5. Wasn't a huge fan of either, the V5 especially was a let down for me.
  15. SakuraLove

    Why do you love tamagotchi?

    When I was younger, I liked the challenge of getting different characters and taking the best care of my tama. Having them with me all the time became like having a constant little companion, and I've loved them ever since. The first one I can remember absolutely loving and never being apart...
  16. SakuraLove

    Which color?

    I personally think the green or the white, both are so beautiful! The green is a really light teal colour, rather than pure green, which I love.
  17. SakuraLove

    Personal opinions on the color screen tamas

    Pierces aren't necessarily a must, neither are downloads actually, they just make the Tama a lot more interesting. The built in features are really nice, about equal to the iD L. So if you aren't going to be getting the pierces, I'd just look at the characters on the iD L and the P's to see...
  18. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi friends; fault or just rubbish?

    Someone on Tama Zone actually did mod it to have a backlight!! It looks amazing, check it out:
  19. SakuraLove

    Personal opinions on the color screen tamas

    Sorry, accidental double post!
  20. SakuraLove

    Personal opinions on the color screen tamas

    The P's is my favourite as well. So many features and characters!! The pierces bring such a needed element to Tamagotchis and make the P's never get boring. The other colour tamas do get boring after a few gens for me, but I do love them all and it's hard to pick a least favourite.