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  1. SakuraLove


    Waiting for my green UK V2, seller still hasn't shipped it yet so I'm hoping they will this weekend. Also, my limited edition white Tama Plus and mushroom pierce will be arriving tomorrow, just in time for the weekend!
  2. SakuraLove


    V1's and V2's are a bit more rare as well, especially if they're new in package.
  3. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi Ocean/Angel Screws

    Buy a small screwdriver set from your local hardware store and get some WD40 to help loosen the screws before you use the screwdriver. Old screws are very easily stripped so be very careful and do NOT use a knife!!
  4. SakuraLove

    Ever regretted buying a Tama?

    I've never regretted buying a tama, more often I'm regretting not buying tamas I see for great deals. I do regret buying so many iD L's, but I love them all so no real big regrets.
  5. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi P's Nameko Pierce, change pierce or not?

    $25 is too much for a pierce?? I order mine from Japan and with shipping they come to $25...EBay would be even more expensive.
  6. SakuraLove

    Devilgotchi/Santaclautchi/Ocean-favorite luxe tama?

    I love the Devilgotchis, they're so cute and have so much personality! They throw food back at you, randomly turn out the lights, summon bats and all sorts of antics that no other tamagotchi has :)
  7. SakuraLove

    Does anyone actually own an Ancestor Tama?

    I completed my vintage collection when I bought my Yasashii a few years ago. Some are the gems of my entire collection (clear blue Mothra, Yasashii, special Asia designs of P1s and P2s, and Devils.) I love the Tamagotchi ancestors, especially the Osutchi and Mesutchi :)
  8. SakuraLove

    what have you got in the mail today *continued* <3

    Got these gems today (hopefully the photo isn't too big):
  9. SakuraLove

    Doesnt it suck when....

    Had this happen to me yesterday!!! Got my P1 in the mail and it was just wrapped in paper. No padding, no envelope, just regular old paper taped around the tamas packaging. Luckily it wasn't too damaged getting here! Like at least have sufficient padding in the package...
  10. SakuraLove

    Another Angel Issue

    Have they gotten quieter since you've had it? The Angels have such quiet beeps to begin with!
  11. SakuraLove

    Morino or Umino?

    Ah that's a hard one! The Morino is so nice and low maintenance, plus the cocoon stage is pretty cool. I hate the screensaver function though...I like to see my tamas on the screen. The Umino is a lot of fun but very challenging...mine would randomly die every couple of days. I rarely make it to...
  12. SakuraLove

    Uuuhm well - how long do the Tama P's live? XD

    Yes you could keep one generation forever, even beyond 99, it just stops recording the age after 99. Also, you know you can pause tamas if you can't look after them for a while, then they won't leave so often ;)
  13. SakuraLove

    Is this a tamagotchi v3 ?

    It's a Ciao limited edition Keitai Akai. Definitely still overpriced though. You can get them new in package for about $50 on Yahoo Japan.
  14. SakuraLove

    Most Overrated Tamagotchi?

    I don't think the greyscale was a mistake, it's the actual gameplay of the TF that made me not love it as much as the others. I can happily run my V2 and V3 for many generations before getting bored because there so many cute features that the TF is missing (items being a particularly big one.)...
  15. SakuraLove

    A pokemon pierce...Why not?

    Ahh I would LOVE a Pokemon pierce!! And why not really? With Sanrio and Disney already having pierces, it would make sense since Bandai has made Pokemon products in the past. Pikachu Mametchi would be so cute!! ^_^
  16. SakuraLove

    v4.5 sound change?

    That is SO cool! I love the sounds, I wish I could make mine sound like that too. It doesn't seem like a battery issue as the sounds have totally changed...maybe the problem is internal, like it could have corrosion or something.
  17. SakuraLove

    v4.5 sound change?

    That's so strange! Maybe the batteries are getting old? Try a fresh one and see if that helps!
  18. SakuraLove


    Waiting on a blue clockface P1, Pocket Designer, Puma Edition V2, and 1st Anniversary Osutchi/Mesutchi set. I refresh the tracking like crazy until they're in my hands!!
  19. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi ID L or Tamagotchi Friends?

    I second what Jhud said, the iD L is infinitely better than the TF.
  20. SakuraLove

    What Kind of Pokémon Are You?

    Water/Water, Vaporeon it is! (Would have preferred Flareon but oh well)