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  1. SakuraLove

    Organizing your Collection

    I have some super cute ones from Michael's craft store. I've seen some cute ones at Target as well.
  2. SakuraLove

    "Newer" tamagotchis

    I'd say the P's are definitely the best, especially if you buy the pierces (like the Hello Kitty one) to go with it. It also has the ability to do three and four-way connections between other P's to play games ^_^
  3. SakuraLove

    Rare Items

    "10 AM - 2:59 PM (only on first day of each month) Green Day - chance to get an Eco Item. There are three Eco items available. The Eco-Bag gives you a 50% discount off items purchased from TamaDepa, the Eco-Fork gives you a 50% discount off snacks purchased from TamaCafe, and the Eco-Chopsticks...
  4. SakuraLove

    "Newer" tamagotchis

    Wow I can't believe I forgot the 15th Anniversary one, it's my fav of the iD L series. Man there are way too many iD L versions haha
  5. SakuraLove

    "Newer" tamagotchis

    Of the colour versions there are: - tamagotchi +Color - tamagotchi +Color Hexagon (has new characters and games) - iD - iD Melody Crown (has Lovelin & Meloditchi as raisable characters) - iD L (32 new characters I believe, new features such as clothing and pets for your tama) - iD L...
  6. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    For the connection games, you need at least two P's to play, but you can have up to four.
  7. SakuraLove

    Illogical actions...

    I understand completely, I also get annoyed when I see very young kids with smartphones and tablets...I wasn't allowed to have a cell phone until high school (and then my cell phone was a brick Nokia phone), because my parents wanted to teach me responsibility and make sure I wouldn't just lose...
  8. SakuraLove

    Do you haggle / bargain?

    I do, but not if the auction already has bids on it. I usually ask if I buy multiple items from someone will they give me a discount on the lot. It doesn't always work, but it doesn't hurt to ask!
  9. SakuraLove

    Do TMGC Friends screens really scratch in box?

    Yes, I myself had some scuffs and a scratched button on one of them, and I know a number of other users have had severe scratches on theirs.
  10. SakuraLove


    - Green UK V2 - White Arukotch - Welsh Corgi Happypet Wrist Wanko (so cute, check it out if you haven't heard of it!)
  11. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    I had the same opinion until I caved and got one for a good deal. I really love being able to understand everything at the park and in the letters. I end up running my English iD L a lot more than my Japanese ones, though I don't think the English ones are worth that much over the Japanese ones.
  12. SakuraLove

    How to replace my Tamagotchi's P1 battery without any risk ?

    Just another quick tip: if the screws seem really stuck, try spraying some WD40 (with the small nozzle attachment) to lubricate the screws. It has saved me countless times!
  13. SakuraLove

    what have you got in the mail today *continued* <3

    Hey I have the Entama from that campaign!! It's one of my favourites:
  14. SakuraLove

    Simple question :3

    It should also be notes that the Uratama has blue pixels instead of black, and the babies and toddlers are different than the English V 4.5.
  15. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi P's. Another new tamagotchi in Japan?

    You know what would be awesome? An Oden-Kun Pierce. It seems I'm one of the few who actually like the collaboration pierces, the chibi anime characters are so cute! Tamagotchi needs to gain fans to keep going and the collab. pierces are the way to do it. I don't think having a Hello Kitty pierce...
  16. SakuraLove

    Music Star Questions

    Thanks for the tip, Ra! I didn't know you could do that. It certainly makes things easier now that the website is inactive.
  17. SakuraLove

    Can someone please identify the version of this Tamagotchi?

    Looks fake to me as well, the logo at the top doesn't look right and the V2 shell designs with flames like that look completely different (black &amp; gold, not white &amp; pink.) It could be a v1 or v2 with paint job perhaps? Edit: Upon closer inspection, it has the correct V1 background, it...
  18. SakuraLove

    Whats your favorite Tama and why?

    The P's is my favourite as well. There are just so many features and cute characters, when you add the pierces and the pocket designer it's really an incredible tama. My favourite of the older versions is the V2, I love the simplicity and the characters :) I'm pretty much always running my P's...
  19. SakuraLove

    Can Music Star connect to other Versions?

    Yes, the Music Star is the V6, the Familitchi is the V5 (and V5.5 for the Royal Familitchi.) The Music Star can connect with the Familitchis and the Tama-Go.