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  1. SakuraLove

    Decided to buy a Tamagotchi P's - Little help needed!

    That's really not the norm though. Usually takes a couple of days.
  2. SakuraLove

    What Tamagotchi should I get?

    ^ This. Couldn't have said it better myself :)
  3. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi at Toyfair 2014

    On the link EMF posted, there are stock images of two of the new shell designs, and they have scratches on them. Seriously? :(
  4. SakuraLove

    The prices you paid

    eBay, Yahoo Japan Auctions, and buying from collectors on Tama Zone :)
  5. SakuraLove

    Tamagotchi at Toyfair 2014

    That pink and black one looks gorgeous! Let's hope the quality of these is better than the current ones. Shame they didn't use coloured pixels at least.
  6. SakuraLove

    The prices you paid

    I've been able to get some great deals over the years, the ones that come to mind are: $82 for a NIP devilgotch, $1 for a set of six angel hard cases, $5 for a NIP tamaOtch, free Nano Baby & assorted P2's from a kind seller, and $150 for a flawless Yasashii.
  7. SakuraLove

    What are the best online places to buy tamagotchis?

    There are also places like Yahoo Japan Auctions, but you need to use a middleman/middleman service to get the items shipped outside of Japan and be able to bid on them. The prices are amazing though.
  8. SakuraLove

    Problem connecting P's to ID L

    You have to press the B button on one of the tamas in order for the connection to begin after the heart screen comes up. You'll notice the hearts turn red from pink once they connect.
  9. SakuraLove

    A few questions about the Keitai Akai version

    The swimming game is a luck-based game where you bet on what place your Tama will come in. It does not raise happiness. Certain items will increase your luck and therefore your chances of winning (Pixelmood has a fantastic item chart explaining this.) You can play the games as much as you want...
  10. SakuraLove

    Your collection

    These are incredible!!! I'd totally buy them if you decide to ever start selling them! That devil cradle is really amazing <3
  11. SakuraLove

    Great Way to Carry Your Tamas: Mimi Pochi's!

    Nope! I was worried about that too, but mine aren't getting any dust on them, and I've been carrying them around for two days now (and I have a cat :P )
  12. SakuraLove

    Great Way to Carry Your Tamas: Mimi Pochi's!

    Yeah I've seen them very overpriced on Amazon as well, I think Strapya World has the best prices right now. I'm pretty sure they're a rubber composite, they have that latex smell (not strong, but noticeable) so probably better to be on the safe side.
  13. SakuraLove

    Great Way to Carry Your Tamas: Mimi Pochi's!

    Me too! It was so hard to pick one so I got two :P
  14. SakuraLove

    Great Way to Carry Your Tamas: Mimi Pochi's!

    I got mine here: I highly recommend them, I've bought tons of stuff from them before.
  15. SakuraLove

    Generation 1 - no logo visible

    A lot of the first wave of P1's don't have any logo on them, so I wouldn't worry about it.
  16. SakuraLove

    what have you got in the mail today *continued* <3

    Not super tama related, but if did get my Mimi Pochi's in the mail today ^_^ They're absolutely perfect for carrying your tamas around!
  17. SakuraLove

    Great Way to Carry Your Tamas: Mimi Pochi's!

    Hi everyone, I recently bought two silicon coin pouches from Japan called Mimi Pochi's and they fit my tamas perfectly! They're really cute and the silicon is very soft so it won't scratch your tamas. Here are some photos of mine: So far I am totally in love with these! They're quite...
  18. SakuraLove


    Waiting on: JAL P1 Green UK V2 (a bit worried about this one, it's been three weeks already!) Blue Keitai