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  1. S


    An electric fan. :] Nonono. How about one of those Jedi helmets? 'Cause I have one of those.
  2. S

    What are you doing right now?

    Cleaning my room and listening to mah iPod. xP
  3. S

    Panic! At The Disco.

    Cocaine habit? Whut? o-o
  4. S


    Candycandycandycandycandy. I love the stuff~ Raisinets, Sour Powers [those things are addicting, I swear.] Nerds Rope, Sour Gummy Worms [they pwn gummy bears :]], Non Parils, or whatever they're called. Movie candy. n..n BunchaCrunch. Yum. I love candy.
  5. S


    I wanna get 1,000 posts by the end of summer. <3
  6. S

    Colour/Color, Favourite/Favorite?

    I'm in the US, so I don't use the U. Color, favorite, mom. I think the words look nice when there's U's though. o: As for gray, I spell it with an A. But it could be either for me, I think.
  7. S

    The beginning of an end.

    Wow. That's. Amazing. Wow. I love it.
  8. S

    Panic! At The Disco.

    Nooo. This can't be happening. D: Whoever got to see them live is so lucky. </3 I'm glad Spencer and Brendon are still... but. You guys are right. Panic will never be the same. D: I'm so upset. DD: I don't believe it. Panic. </3
  9. S

    Hello TamaTalkers!

    Welcome. Two angel tamas? Lucky! I want one. o: V2's my favorite version. x3 But anyways, welcome to TT~
  10. S

    The beginning of an end.

    Love it, Alex. It's great.
  11. S

    Who is your favorite video game princess?

    Princess Peach is awesome~
  12. S

    What's something you learned today?

    I may sleeping over at my grandma's at a week. I got very good grades on my report card, not including Home Ec.
  13. S

    What's something you learned today?

    Coffee cake is messy when it goes mid-air.
  14. S

    All time favorite games

    Top 5 GameBoy:: -Pokemon FireRed // LeafGreen. -Pokemon Sapphire // Emerald. <33 -Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. -Kirby. Er... I don't remember it's full name. But it was good. -Uhm. Sonic Advance. Or The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap. It was hard to think of a fifth one. xD Top...
  15. S

    So how often do you come on TT?

    I'm on too often. ^^; Mostly in NonTamatalk and the roleplay section. Mostly I'm in TC. xP I think I'm on too much. x__x;;
  16. S

    Compliment the person above you! =3

    Ohmahgosh. 800 posts! OO: You're also an amazing iPod~ ;3
  17. S

    Compliment the person above you! =3

    You have a lollipop in your avvie. o:
  18. S


    Random Shout-Out to Emmy. <3 [Pit~] Emmy, you're awesome. o: We both love Pit and Link. :33 I'm bad at replying to our role plays, but you love me anyway. x33 ILY Emmy. ~~ Nao hurry and come back from your trip. o:
  19. S

    Current Mood

    Sleepy... Lazy. It's ten am. o;
  20. S

    Im new..

    Hai thar~ I'm Ginny. Welcome to TT. =] I like a lot of stuff that you do. xD You will have fun, yesh~