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  1. S

    What was the last word you said?

    "I dun wanna moooooveeeeeeee,"
  2. S

    What was the last word you said?

    "Draco Malfoy!"
  3. S

    Do you work hard on your avvies/signatures?

    Hah. I work on hard on mine. ;P First I have to find inspiration for it~ Like, I gotta think of what's going in it. It's not that easy for me. x_x Usually it's song lyrics, so I search iconator until I find an avvie that I really like. Then the siggy takes forever. :] It has to be just right...
  4. S

    Four years at Tamatalk!

    Congrats. O: My second TT birthday will be in March. :33
  5. S

    What Grade Were You In?

    I think it was the middle of sixth grade, March of 2008, but it might have been fifth.
  6. S

    Current Mood

    Unhappy. We're going to the beach. ;__;
  7. S

    Current Mood

    Upset. My dad said we couldn't keep the new kitty. Because we're trying to sell the house. I don't even want to move.
  8. S

    What was the last word you said?

  9. S

    Whats ur favorite name?

    Girls: Rachael, Michaela, Nicola, Nadia, and Kelsey. And Andromeda, a little. Boys: Asher, Joesph, and Dalton. A bunch of the names are my friends, but I do love them. Names and people. xD
  10. S

    Meeting People From TT

    I have chances of meeting both Zuzi and Britt. And we will one day meet. I know it.
  11. S

    Current Mood

    pi**ed. My brother decided to wake me up by attacking me this morning.
  12. S


    ^GINNY WAS A VICTIM. ... But I heart chu anyways, Betheh.
  13. S

    Dream Wedding? xD

    This thread's got me thinking. I want a traditional wedding. White dress, vows, all that. :3 I'd love to have a garden wedding. x That would be great. Yes, the dress will be white, but I want intricate designs and things on it. A styled white dress. And it won't be too long, or thick. The...
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    Wee, ABC's. x3 Thank chu, Krysteh. <33
  15. S


    Added more peeplets. :] April, Alex, Britt, Bri, Beth, Becca, Beckah, Dalton, Davie, Diva, Emmy, Kiwi, Krystal, Ksenia, Kate, Katie [kk445], Kelsey, Loden, Lee, Leafie, Michaela, Mandi, Nicola, Rachel, Soha, Sam, Sarah, Sky, Tami, Truckeh, Weiwei, Zuzi, Zoe. I love you guys. <33
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    I usually get popcorn and soda, but I absolutely love movie candy. <3
  17. S

    What do you do when you're bored?

    I complain to my parents that I'm bored. :] Or I go into TC. xD
  18. S

    Tamagotchi Mini/Chibi

    I have two. And orange one and a yellow one with green stripes~ I'm not sure where they are, but they were cute. Fun.
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    Oh. Well, whatever they're called. xD This thing. It's my brother's. o: But it's half broken~
  20. S

    Where's Your Computer?

    I've got a laptop. But it generally stays in my room, where I am. o: