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  1. S

    Where do you post the most?

    Here or the RP section.
  2. S

    Shoutouts for people's birthdays

    Yes, iPoddy, yes I am. Happy early birthday to you. :3 And Happy Birthday, Miss Matchmaker~ Oh and Krystal. My iPod. It lives. O:
  3. S

    If you had a super power...

    Flight, or mind reading.
  4. S

    2 truths and a lie!

    Trois. o: Oh and fer my other one, it was 3~ 1. Katie [Honeyxx] loves me most. O: 2. I think Brendon Urie is smexy. 3. I hate TT. O:<
  5. S

    2 truths and a lie!

    Numbar tew. 1. Ginny is my name. 2. I almost broke my compie just now. 3. I have blonde hair and gray eyes.
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    I love Kelsey. :]
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    Childhood BF's/GF's/Crushes

    The first boy I 'liked' was in kindergarten, his name was Anthony. xD He was cute and we played a game called 'The Game' at lunch. NO. NOT THE INTERNET MEME THING. Then in fifth grade I liked this kid named Emerson. He was cute and really sweet. <3 But he liked a girl named Alyssa.
  8. S

    boy's boy's boy's

    Ohyes. Yes, I do. Two of them. They are nine and ten. o:< They enjoy annoying me. I sold the older one to my friend Michael. 8D
  9. S

    Current Mood

    Relieved. Sad. Depressed.
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    Peach. Blueberry. Blueberry chocolate chip.
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    What Are You Wearing Right Now?

    Jeans and a pretty t-shirt that is a color I do not know. :]]
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    Academic strengths/weaknesses.

    I'm good in mostly everything else, but I'm pretty weak with math.
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    whats your favorite starter pokemon?

    CECI. xPP But yes, yes I do. o:<
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    whats your favorite starter pokemon?

    Mudkip. -waits for someone to say "I herd u liek mudkipz." Also Charmander and Bulbasaur. I don't like the Sinnoh starts too much.
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    What's currently on your mind?

    Cellphones, my laptop about to run out of power, my pretty jacket. My honors project.
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    Ginny loves Bethie and Aprilly. :] And she feels she hasn't talked to Katie [kk445] in foreveeer.
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    Lefty or Righty?

    I write with my left hand. I'm special. :]
  18. S

    How do people mistake your name?

    My name is Virginia, but I'm mostly called Ginny. Apparently people prounounce [sp] it wrong a lot. xD It's supposed to be Jih-nee. Some people call me Jenny, Gihnee, Guhnee, and Michaela says she has an way of saying my name that I don't know. xD
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    ESS. ESS. ESS. ESS. -first poster- :] Hi Ess. You rock. O:< I'm Ginny. But you know that. xD