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  1. S

    Meeting People From TT

    I'll hitchhike thar. :] OR YOU COULD COME HERE. Then we'll go to Angels and Kings and find Mr. Ross.
  2. S


    I love you too iPoddy. <3 AND I LUFF MAH NEW BESTIE KAYLEE. -eats-
  3. S


    Solike. Emmy is the best person in the world and I love her<3 She made the SSBB RP again @____@ And I love Katie (Honey) too because she's just like win. And like, she's a fish. AND EVEN THOUGH I ONLY GOT AN 80% I LOVE YOU MOST SO THEREEEEEEE O:< And Britt. I love you. o;
  4. S

    Hi! I'm new here.

    Heyy. Welcome to TT. :]] Hope you have a nice time here~
  5. S

    Hiya! ^^

    I do know. x33 I have my own OC, as well.
  6. S

    Hiya! ^^

    Hiya, and welcome. :D I like your usernamee. xD
  7. S

    If U Could Meet Singer/Band

    Panic at the Disco. Brendon Urie. No question.
  8. S

    Have you ever wished to become a Tamagotchi?

    What Krystal said. xD; I would not want to be a Tamagotchi noo.
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    What's your favorite part of Halloween?

    I like the candy. Duh. And the hanging around the neighborhood with my friends. xD Though I won't be doing that this year. ;-;
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    ...I love the typo fairy. :3 And my new friend, Kal 8DDD
  11. S


    Heyaa. Welcome to TT. Hope you have fun, like Kay said~
  12. S

    Do you troll in real life?

    How can you troll in real life?
  13. S

    Not dead,

    Welcome back, Feebee. I've been wondering where you went. What Cinder said, pretty much. :]
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    I love Michaela and Katie. [xxHoney..]
  15. S

    Nick Jonas

    I hate the Jonas Brothers. And no, I do not think they are cute. :]
  16. S


    Cats are love. I found my old kitten Socks in the garage. But then his mommah came and stole him back. I wish I had a caaat.
  17. S

    Meeting People From TT

    Inorite. ;-; If onlyy. I wanna meet Miss Betheh.
  18. S

    Meeting People From TT

    If it were possible, I'd love to meet Katie and Michaela. And Kelsey, too. And Nicola~ I wanna meet Brittt and Zuzii.
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    This or That

    ... ... ... Strawberries. Grapes or Graperuit?
  20. S

    This or That

    -gets reference- Love. Sins or Tragedies. O:<