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  1. tamadot12


    Also, I have tried to get a second account here, but I still haven't gotten my validation email.
  2. tamadot12


    I couldn't because when I wanted to email them, windows mail popped up and my computer's windows mail doesn't work.
  3. tamadot12

    Do you believe in ghosts?

  4. tamadot12


    I found a post with something like this but it didn't let me "view the topic"... So, I was reading a thing on having to post in the spam bot on TZ, and tried to post. It wouldn't let me. I tried to go back, but couldn't find the topic. Then I did, but it wouldn't let me view the topic. What do...
  5. tamadot12


    I'll upload soon You can find it here
  6. tamadot12


    Doesn't work
  7. tamadot12

    Black friday

    Black Friday: The day after Thanksgiving that marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season
  8. tamadot12


    ill upload soon
  9. tamadot12

    Hit or Miss

    Miss Has annoying neighborhood dog?
  10. tamadot12

    What happens when a V5 marries a Tama-Go?

    Oh and I would find out myself but my cousin has taken my v5 to CA!
  11. tamadot12

    Tamagotchi Durability

    ON an almost off-subject note, part of the U.S.'s debt comes from buying goods from China. It maybe cheaper, but all the money goes to China... (side note: I am Chinese! live in U.S.)
  12. tamadot12

    Tamagotchi Durability

    Someone should really do something... were the previous models made in China? If not, that explains it...
  13. tamadot12

    Tamagotchi Durability

    Oh, I just knew they were prone to breaking! (Thanks) As I was taking off the chains, I noticed that one was about to break...if Bandai raised quality but price to $30, I would still get it...
  14. tamadot12


    How do you achieve bad care? I know about care misses, but I would like to know the most horrid care you could give a Tama-go without killing it. (I, too, am experimenting with character growths.) I don't have the time to try this out myself... if someone has a brand new tama-go, could youhatch...
  15. tamadot12

    Do you know...

  16. tamadot12

    Tamagotchi Durability

    I had a v3, and it was really boring after a while. My friend tried to smash it and FAILED. (v4 same) Car? FAIL Next, the v4.5. It was a little easier to just tear apart the plastic. (I had a stripped screw, so it was tempting since I just got 3 tama-gos... > :) Anyway, my friend (Other)...
  17. tamadot12


    I will test this out tomorrow, (my birthday, when I get three tama-gos) but so you use a "lite" figurine, go to the shop, see if there is anything you want, and then take it off and do it again?
  18. tamadot12

    Tama-Go Faceplate Measurements

    That does help somewhat, (I saw that while I was looking) but I was looking for the pixel size as well.
  19. tamadot12

    Tama-Go TIP

    This does work if you do it right, but it really doesn't do anything. The tama still ages correctly, but it just looks wrong. This is still useful though, because that can drive people crazy. I think you are to set the Tama to 1 min. before it sleeps, let it go to sleep, then do the same for it...
  20. tamadot12

    Tama-Go Faceplate Measurements

    I have looked almost everywhere but can't find the measurements for the faceplates anymore! I know I saw them... This topic could help people who have the same problem