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  1. tamadot12

    Unusual/convenient Tamagotchi Holders?

    I use small plastic bags I got off a friend on ebay. They are the PERFECT size for connections AND waterproof! I will post measurements later... :lol:
  2. tamadot12

    Tama-Go Pixels Fading?!

    Open it up! WAY easier to open than previous version! XD Just unscrew, then unscrew the screen. Look at the plastic things, they may have been disturbed/ stretched by the temperature/ shaking. Try to take the contacts off (CAREFULLY) and put them back on. (CAREFULLY :wacko: ) and then try it...
  3. tamadot12

    V4 Care

    At least skim through before posting. I know EVERYTHING (and confident about it) about the version 4 EXCEPT the care. You see, I have been studying Tamagotchi for a couple years, but I could never find a good enough description of the care, be it logs or posts or "I just got one" posts. How...
  4. tamadot12

    How much money do you have on your tama?

    What trick? :o And, I have somewhere around 350k, and on my V4, I have 99,900 (TY HENRI WATSON)
  5. tamadot12

    Pooping Times?

    I'm having a hard time finding (I think it was...>) binary's post on how to calculate poop times! I remember it, but not that clearly... TOO LAZY AND SHOPPING IN ebay TAH FIGURE OUT!! MEH!! I beh tired :wacko:
  6. tamadot12

    Tamagotchis on Airplanes

    Yeah, but everytime you do so, it goes back to the last save point. (9:00 A.M., last connection time (well, I suppose you could use that to your advantage), etc.)
  7. tamadot12

    How do you get cake/ turkey?

    THE WHOLE CAKE. I believe the king gives you one. And thanks, I thought it was in the shop on Thanksgiving!
  8. tamadot12

    New Angelgotchi Petition

    Name: Tina Country: US MOTION SENSORS!!
  9. tamadot12

    Is it worth it to get a Tama-Go?

    If this were facebook, *LIKE*
  10. tamadot12

    Ball glitch question!

    When you eat the balls, do you gain pounds? On second thought, I'll try it and get back to ya. EXPECT MAH POST!!
  11. tamadot12

    Is it worth it to get a Tama-Go?

    I own three. Too easy to take care of, scratches easily. Gameplay waaay too easy Kinda fells like the P1 all over again only the quality of it is physically worse. Of course, that's just my opinion.
  12. tamadot12


    flipped out and a random Mametchi evolved into a Tensaitchi and they broke his glasses
  13. tamadot12

    How to calculate points

    This formula can be simplified/ altered for personal use and/or different versions. This is useful if you are a neat freak and want your points even. The version if the formula I will show you today works with the V4, in which every game you WIN, (complete) you get 5 skill points and lose...
  14. tamadot12


    Nevermind i had an old link.
  15. tamadot12


    I tried it this morning and I think it's gone!! I have been using it for a while...
  16. tamadot12

    How do you get cake/ turkey?

    title says all
  17. tamadot12

    Counterfeit Money

    I have recently gotten a UV light. (3 in 1 flashlight, laser, off ebay for 99 cents +44 cents s/h) Anyway, I read that if the whole bill glows, it is counterfeit. Is it true? Elsewhere, I read the strip is supposed to glow a different color for each denomination. I'm only a kid, so I borrowed...
  18. tamadot12

    V4 Teen to Adult Growths

    Like I told others, I know that. I just wanted to know for sure if you got a teen from the family it belongs to that you could get any adult from that family, with the right skill points. (Obviously restricted by gender though.)
  19. tamadot12

    I LOVE the V4!

    If this was Facebook, I'd "like" that. XD