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  1. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    Oh, this is just great! You know how long it's gonna take ta wash all this dust outta my hair? ~ Jeice Complain all you want. At least you've got hair. ~ Burter
  2. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    I have a family of my own I need to tend to. Two boys and a wife. An extremely angry wife who probably wants to kill me right now. ~ Goku
  3. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    I should've saved some people. It's not as fun without hearing their ridiculous cries for help! ~ Super Buu
  4. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    I just thought the least we could do is put our old differences aside, just this once, and really work together! We owe that to our teammates! Our families, Vegeta! Our friends! Look, you've always talked about our Saiyan race, how we're the last of a mighty people. Well, it's time we accept...
  5. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    Religion is like a *sorry - not appropriate talk for a family friendly site*
  6. tamadot12

    Mail days

    Oh and by some off chance that someone needs, the answer, yes, they deliver on Saturday.
  7. tamadot12

    What do u think of the version 4.5..?

    ... ... ... ...THE VERSION 4 WOZ BETTER.
  8. tamadot12

    Type in another language game!

    My ancestors came from Iraq and Syria.
  9. tamadot12

    Mail days

    The U.S. And nevermind, I got my answer!
  10. tamadot12

    I don't want mine to keep dying!

    ...Pausing it? Or is it not the same?
  11. tamadot12

    Mail days

    Has the five-day delivery thing already started? PLEASE REPLY!!
  12. tamadot12

    Wow. That

    No prob! Happy to help! :lol:
  13. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    Okay, so I thought I'd make a topic with QUOTES! Just post some great quotes you like! No particular subject really... here's mine! An ultimate good like Ganondorf can never be defeated. As long as there's goodness and beauty in the world, one could say that there's a little bit of...
  14. tamadot12

    Type in another language game!

    我喜歡傳統的中國! (Wǒ xǐhuan chuántǒng de zhōngguó)
  15. tamadot12

    Pooping Times?

    No, I remember now. When you have one heart left, you wait and it beeps. (This does not work for the Tama-Go.) Then, you feed it. Time the distance from the last time it beeped to the next. Multiply by two, and I think that is how often it poops. (It poops every other time it loses a heart, and...
  16. tamadot12

    Type in another language game!

    ...He turned into a girl without her German Kempfer Ronma BUT it is a story about a man! MAH TUUUUUURN...: 你的母亲!
  17. tamadot12

    Wow. That

    It's this: Baby for 1 hr Toddler for 23 (?) hrs Teen for 2 days Adult for 7 days Oldie + (Connections don't die of age)
  18. tamadot12

    Unusual/convenient Tamagotchi Holders?

    Back with measurements! 9 mm x 6 mm will fit any connection! (Excluding Tama-Go and V5) :lol:
  19. tamadot12

    Pooping Times?

    Wait, wasn't there another one that involved letting hearts empty? :huh:
  20. tamadot12

    Pooping Times?

    Thanks!! :mellow: