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  1. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    It's amazing how every time you open your mouth, you prove you're an idiot. ~ Vegeta
  2. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    The power measured from Goku was unstable. Think about it. A candle flickers most violently just before it burns out. ~ Master Roshi
  3. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    But, as with most harmonious times, a period of disharmony was soon to follow. ~ Kibito Kai
  4. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    I'm not dressing up like a girl! I tried that before, it didn't work! ~ Goku
  5. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    I'm not dressing up like a girl! I tried that before, it didn't work! ~ Goku
  6. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    Somebody help me! I'm too young and pretty to die! ~ Bulma
  7. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    I need to find some food. What's a guy gotta do to get a burger around here? ~ Goku
  8. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    Who blasted mah blast!? ~ Android 15
  9. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    He's determined to prove himself to all of us. Vegeta, it's your turn. Now show us what a pure blooded Saiyan can really do. ~ Piccolo
  10. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    I may be an android but I'm still a woman. ~ Android 18
  11. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    Care to tell me what happened, Vegeta? Or is the wound to your ego still too raw to be examined? Judging by these stress fractures in your protective armor, you must've received quite a beating, and that's putting it lightly. I hope you're not entertaining ideas of revenge, I might not be here...
  12. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    I will kill Cell. This world is a good place. Cell wishes to destroy it. I will not let that happen. ~ Android 16
  13. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    It doesn't take a whole lot of brains to be a great fighter. -Bardock
  14. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    They can blow up the universe for all I care. That's no excuse for putting my little boy's life at risk. ~ Chi-Chi
  15. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    I guess when you realize this could be your last fight, there's no hurry to start. ~ Krillin
  16. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    You know, if I've learned anything at all from this silly ordeal it's that I am a freaking genius. ~ Vegeta
  17. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    Well, it looks like you're not that super of a Saiyan after all, huh? ~ Frieza
  18. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    I hope you're both wearing clean underwear because you're about to take a trip to the emergency ward. ~ Captain Ginyu
  19. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    Why does the strongest fighter left have to be so darn ridiculous? ~ Piccolo
  20. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    It's quality, not quantity, my friend. And our union wasn't achieved by kidnappings. Hmm... but if you're sure you can win this fight with petty theft, come prove it. ~ Vegito