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  1. tamadot12

    How do you get cake/ turkey?

  2. tamadot12

    This is kind of freaky for magic calculator

    What's with the title
  3. tamadot12

    V4 Special dates?

    Thanks! Any others?
  4. tamadot12

    Tamagotchi Mini

    I meant when you press reset, do you get a download option.
  5. tamadot12

    Tamagotchi Mini

    I tried that. There's not much on the mini. And other than here and TZ, there's barely any info on the mini.
  6. tamadot12

    Tamagotchi Mini

    Does it have that?
  7. tamadot12

    V4 Special dates?

    Thank you! That's exactly what I meant! Anybody know any more? :)
  8. tamadot12

    Tama-Go & TMGC+C Hatch PLZ JOIN

    Can't wait to restart mine! I have three
  9. tamadot12

    V4 Special dates?

    Could someone help me out? I need to know those dates! XD
  10. tamadot12

    Tamagotchi Mini

    I wouldn't have asked if I hadn't tried everything. The only video remotely helpful is Erica's.
  11. tamadot12

    Tamagotchi Mini

    From what I understand, when you press the "C" button on the main screen, there is an action if the Tama needs something, e.g. dizzy=food, and some other things. I was wondering if anyone could take a picture/ have a picture of those screens and be willing to share them. :wacko:
  12. tamadot12

    Serious tamagotchi problem.

    use a CR2032, and if that doesn't work, pop it open and realign the spacers!
  13. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    It is time to take back what is mine! I will not live my life as your second! That time is over! Every breath you take is an assault to my honor! But no more, Kakarot! By my hands, you will be cut down inch by inch, the way you have cut down my pride! ~ Vegeta
  14. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    Alright, now you've done it! No one insults me like that, Vegeta! For someone who looks like you, you have no right to call me hideous! I'd kill you where you stand but Frieza wants me to take you alive. Consider yourself lucky. ~ Zarbon
  15. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    If I were you, I'd get off this planet. Trust me, you don't want any of this! ~ Goku
  16. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    Every force you create has an echo. Your own bad energy will be your undoing. ~ Gogeta
  17. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    I feel what the Saiyan says may be true. This is an evil presence that approaches. ~ Nail
  18. tamadot12

    Best Quotes?

    Me? A monster? No... I am a devil! ~ Broly