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  1. M

    tamagotchi school game

    hi. wen ur in tamagotchi school with the present game. after it switches how do u choose? it seems as if the pencil and poop just change randomly. is there a pattern? plz help. thanx bye
  2. M

    Tama elementary

    hi i was wondering how to choose which teacher u hav when ur at tama school cuz iu no there r 3, mr.turtle ms. flower, and mr. canvas i think r the ones. so answer back thanx fo' helpin ! :ichigotchi:
  3. M


    well i would like to get mametchi or mimitchi on my v4 ut evrything says to take good care and never let the hearts less than 1 but sometimes i get poop or a snake in the mail then i hav only 1 heart left!. how to i prevent this and how do i get mametchi? thanx! ^_^