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  1. Diplodocus

    Signature/Avatar -- What is it?

    Avatar - It is me. Signature - Just a little saying.
  2. Diplodocus

    To Buy List?

    - Chocolate chip cookies. ;D
  3. Diplodocus

    What happened to TamaTalk?

    Nothing happened. ;o
  4. Diplodocus

    What are you listening to now?

    Walls - All Time Low
  5. Diplodocus

    Stuff you are obsessed with

    - Sour skittles - Highlighters - Diet Pepsi
  6. Diplodocus

    What are you listening to now?

    Colours - The Rocket Summer
  7. Diplodocus

    What are you listening to now?

    Time - Cute Is What We Aim For
  8. Diplodocus

    What are you listening to now?

    Black Cat - Mayday Parade
  9. Diplodocus

    Stuff you are obsessed with

    - Strawberries - Glue - Coffee
  10. Diplodocus

    Are you happy with who you are?

    Not really.
  11. Diplodocus

    What are you listening to now?

    Viva La Vida - Coldplay
  12. Diplodocus

    What did you do today?

    Continued: Argued with my mum D: Did homework. Had lunch. Made badges.
  13. Diplodocus

    What are you listening to now?

    Walls - All Time Low
  14. Diplodocus

    What did you do today?

    Woke up. Ate a scone for breakfast. Went online.
  15. Diplodocus

    Ever been cyber-bullied?

    Only through Formspring, but I don't take it seriously because anyone who has the time to type out insults on Formspring is a failure.
  16. Diplodocus

    What song is stuck in your head at the moment?

    Paddy - Just Me Again
  17. Diplodocus

    What's a random fact about you?

    I went to the doctor's today. I'm slightly dizzy at the moment. I drank six cups of black coffee this morning. My braces are hurting me.
  18. Diplodocus

    What are you listening to now?

    You're So Last Summer - Taking Back Sunday
  19. Diplodocus

    What did you do today?

    Woke up. Brushed my teeth with my new bubblegum flavoured toothpaste. Got dressed. Took the bus and train to school. Arrived at school. Sat through my morning lessons. Ate half a bowl of soup and a piece of bread for lunch. Felt sick because of the soup and bread. Drank some Pepsi Max...
  20. Diplodocus

    What are you listening to now?

    Easy, Tiger - Kids In Glass Houses