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  1. B

    The ^ > V game!

    ^ Bleh. Purple. > dosen't like purple V also dosen't like purple
  2. B

    animal crossing

    To get a friend code, you have to connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi connection at least once. Oh,yeah, my time's eastern.
  3. B


    Here's a suggestion. Stop production of the things,and get on with our lives.
  4. B

    The Button Room!

    A rainbow appears, but it squishes you. oh noes. i push the l33t h4x0r button
  5. B

    Calling all old members!

    Well, you SOMEWHAT have a point. Alot of new members could be annoying, but too few members will be boring.
  6. B


    Well. That's one sad poem. But i do believe in that.
  7. B

    The ^ > V game!

    ^ is obsessed with the news > is listening to music V is dead
  8. B

    The Button Room!

    A pickle appears. I push the computer button
  9. B

    The ^ > V game!

    ^ Likes cheese > Dosen't like cheese V Is eating cheese
  10. B

    The Button Room!

    Slime falls on you, cause you last pressed the slime buuton I push the F button
  11. B

    The ^ > V game!

    ^ has diamond > Is playing diamond. V Is on tamatalk
  12. B

    The new neopets you

    I hate the new look. The old one was better, but i've gotten used to it.
  13. B

    Look real quick

    Yep. me too. But i like chocolate more,so that's what i voted for.
  14. B

    The Button Room!

    A warrior comes down and kills you. Oh dear. I press a button that says G.I.R
  15. B

    Guess whos posting next

    uh... no? Draft_Rebel_scythe?
  16. B

    The ^ > V game!

    ^ Is watching a video >Is cool V Is not cool
  17. B

    The ^ > V game!

    ^ Quite wierd > I likes the pie! V Is stupid
  18. B

    Simpsons? Or Family Guy?

    Since i watch both, i like both.
  19. B

    Pokemon Diamond or Pearl?

    Diamond's more popular in canada. Little known fact.
  20. B

    Guess What.

    I bumped down from 79 to 76. I lost 3 pounds, just like you.