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  1. T

    When you sleep...

    the oyajitchi, it goes to sleep at like, 11 >.< ouch.
  2. T

    Ahh mm help

    thats if you mate naturally. tamaqueen[bunch of #s] said that it was MatchMaker help she needed.
  3. T

    My parent list disappeared

    well, you just have to use the old passwords. i did that, and it worked..
  4. T

    What Kinda Tamagotchi is Chomametchi

    if it has "mametchi" in it you know it has to be good. if its like chomasketchi, well thats a different story. its kinda like chohimetchi on v2..
  5. T

    Help Me! and of course my favorite: TAMATALK! you see you ARE on the best tama webbie!
  6. T

    Wich tama is better?

    bandai is rather lazy. they think that the v3 is like the en-tama. which is isnt. tho i say DO NOT get a mini. they are pointless.
  7. T


    "might" is possible. you can get a pencil and a CD free from tamatown. and you can use them.
  8. T

    golden tamagotchi?

    soooo... whats your question?
  9. T

    do tamagotchi's have personalities?

    well, thats just what they say.. you cant really tell otherwise.. but you can tell if a charicter is good or bad. if it watches tv or brushes its teeth. teeth= good tama charicter tv= bad one.
  10. T

    What color is this?

    well it didnt work but the color is pink and black.. sorry... or at least thats what i think.
  11. T


    AUGH!!!!!!! om.. well, i suggest you just dont go into the time mode then... maybe your 'b' button is broken. do you have any other problems with the B button?
  12. T

    donating to the king

    take a lucky dip and buy a shovel/chest play games! note that adults dont get cavities i think so u can feed them a lot of snacks.
  13. T

    If you need help on tamas...

    well, im not going to say its pointless or whatever.. but i think you should send this topic to anyone who asks "can you give me some tips?" and suprise them. its helpful and yeah.. i dunno what else.. its very long.... you should have this sent to -ra- and say: THERE! mine is longer and...
  14. T


    i think you will like it.. n.n but to undebug all you have to do is erase those little marks you would have made when you debugged. i also suggest that u dont use so many smilies in you posts. it annoys people.
  15. T

    he's sleeping with a robot above his head~

    yeah, the doll lion does that too with the girl tamas. its sooo cute! i wish the animation was better tho, like the tama really sleeping with the doll/action figure.
  16. T


    um what? why do you say this?? um...
  17. T

    whats the love potion for

    EEEWW no way i hope not.
  18. T

    When you debug your Tama...

    a lot of stuff can happen when you take apart something. i would think tamas are no different. i have debugged two. you lose your current gen and your points and stuff. debugging only works on v1,2,3 not conneXion but conneCtion.
  19. T

    girly girl or tomboy?

    hm.. lets see.. om... i chat here, thats something, i like snakes and spiders. i have a pet spider. i think eels are cute. i have a mudfish that looks like an eel. i think slimy frogs are the most adorable thing ever. i have a frog. one of my favorite sports is football. i hate shopping...
  20. T

    RAM drive

    ROM testing. i dont have full instructions.. sorry.. i do know but it resets your tama and you cant download so i dont do it.