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  1. ChocoToken

    Do You Believe In Gay Marriage?

    Transsexual marriage? o.O'
  2. ChocoToken

    What's your position in your school?

    ^ Lul. That post contains a win!! xD Student
  3. ChocoToken

    Cellphone Details

    Unit of Cellphone: Kyocera Switch Back Color: Black, and Grey. Main Wallpaper: Green background with a dog saying "Can I pee here?" Mini Wallpaper: None. Screen saver: N/A Themes: N/A Ring Tone: None Message Tone: I turn the sound completely off, and no vibration either. Other Tones...
  4. ChocoToken

    Do you crack you body parts?

    I crack my knuckles and neck. To relieve me of feeling nervous or tired.
  5. ChocoToken

    Where do you shop for your clothes?

    Rue21 - Love the jeans, shirts, and accessories. Wal Mart - Sometimes for shirts. Kohls - Shirts Rugged Warehouse - Heyyy.. second hand store FTW.
  6. ChocoToken

    Ughh... Counseling..

    I have a feeling I am going to get flammed or get negative comments.. PFFT.. Anyways Ok, I was talking to my friends, and apparently my teacher found the cuts on my arms. And overheard my conversation. So NOW, I am forced to go to counseling, the thing is: I DON'T WANT TO GO. But they claim...
  7. ChocoToken

    Have your frends ever done this to you?

    Well.. At least your friend didn't reveal to the class that you are a homosexual.
  8. ChocoToken

    My Second Piercings

    Congratulations!! I need to get mines done soon. x.x
  9. ChocoToken


    Nahhhh =P. No such thing as popular at our school. People at our school usually tend to hang out with the same people. There's so many different groups. So no.
  10. ChocoToken

    How many miles have you ran before?

    We would usually have 1-5 mile run's in gym..
  11. ChocoToken

    Celebrity Crushes

    None at the moment, I am glad. Let's be realistic.
  12. ChocoToken

    Amusement Parks

    Does the Fair count? Great, I'll say the State Fair.
  13. ChocoToken

    u like a boy/girl?

    Two boys. One's bisexual while the other is homosexual.
  14. ChocoToken

    What Type of School?

    Public School & No Uniforms. I am so lucky.
  15. ChocoToken

    Fred vs Nigahiga

    You seriously deserve something special for posting this. I second that.
  16. ChocoToken

    Rainbow Rainbow

    Hmmm.. I just bought a full set of rainbow wristbands.. should I wear it? I'm a male, and I think it's cool how all my bisexual friends wear rainbows. x.X I'm itching to do it.. x.x It looks pretty. Should I wear an all black outfit with to make it look "dark"? Suggestion peeps-o.
  17. ChocoToken

    What are you looking forward to?

    Tommorow. =D I'm going to "holler" at someone else.
  18. ChocoToken

    Boy troubles

    Some people see the glass of water "half empty" while others see it "half full". Your boyfriend sees the glass of water "hall full". What I'm saying is, he's looking at the brightside of things while you are looking at the downside of things. It's not like he doesn't care about you, besides why...
  19. ChocoToken

    Current Mood

    Exhausted, and confused. x.X
  20. ChocoToken

    What are you planning on doing today?

    Do my homework. Pick out an outfit. Chill. =D