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  1. ChocoToken

    Do you believe in ghost?

    No, why would anyone.. Seriously.
  2. ChocoToken

    Height.. (:

  3. ChocoToken


    Well.. I'm going to keep it short and simple. I found a boyfriend, woo hoo. I'm mentally attracted to him, not psychically. I know this is.. superficial, I really do want to give him a chance, but I just don't like him psychically.. gah.. x.X
  4. ChocoToken


    A risk that I can avoid, okayy?
  5. ChocoToken

    What song are you currently obsessed over?

    If We Speak Quietly - Lower Definition
  6. ChocoToken

    Things you hate that everyone else likes

    You can't argue aganist stupidity, it's not very effective.
  7. ChocoToken

    Damage TV or Keep TV topic

    There's not much you can do, but turn it back in, and hope you can get a refund or exchange for it.. It's always good to properly secure things, or use bigger cars..
  8. ChocoToken

    Happy Valentine's Day to tamatalk!

    Happy Extra Money Wasting day. LOL
  9. ChocoToken

    Short Stack.

    Short Stack, oh how I love Short Stack. I love Pop-Tarts very much.
  10. ChocoToken

    Shane Dawson. :D

    The most god-awful and unfunny youtuber. Gah, I'll stick to Chris Crocker.
  11. ChocoToken

    How many times do you lie in one day?

    I do lie, but I tell it in fun stories.
  12. ChocoToken


    All aboard the Google train!
  13. ChocoToken

    public school kids

    Ohh, you'll love public school. It's less stricter than Private Schools. You'll meet some pretty good people and some pretty bad people. Just dress "plain". xDD Don't let fame and popularity get to you.
  14. ChocoToken


    I love to text, but seriously, those texting maniacs are ridiculous. -.-'
  15. ChocoToken


    You do realize how fast and how easily fish can die? I killed like 6 goldfish by accident, and your parents are just saying that to make you feel remorseful, nothing bad. They can easily die through a change of their water, I don't think you should feel so down in the dumps.
  16. ChocoToken

    Stalker !

    Well one day doesn't mean much, just try it out for a week or so. I hope the problem is solved! Just bare in mind, when you chew people up, in your mind you feel awesome, and you feel as though they will listen. But in their mind they even more pi**ed and upset, ya know? You just gotta...
  17. ChocoToken

    Things you hate that everyone else likes

    Lol, it's ironic because everyone hates iCarly here. The word "bra" and new rap music.
  18. ChocoToken

    Friend or Foe?

    MY COMMENT SEEMS A LITTLE HARSH: You to need to hang off her, she seems like a clutch to you. She's really not worth it, if she's that much of a crappy friend. It kinda reminds of you that really popular friendless girl at school who no one likes but find her so cool for some reason.. I highly...
  19. ChocoToken


    THIS TOPIC CONTAINS A LOT OF IRRELEVANT INFO" Yeah, this topic fails, I know.. No need to restate it. Anyway, recently one day when I was at my locker (Okay, I wear like 20 bracelets on my arms), there's this girl that goes "OH MY GOD! I LOVE YOUR BRACELETS!".. After 2nd period, she finds me...
  20. ChocoToken

    Stalker !

    Well you did have some control over this Friday. I think you should've probably tried to reason with him, and or at least "get to him". It would've been more effective trying to reason with calmly, rather than try to chew him up. xD I really can't give advice considering everyone else did a...