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  1. M

    Encyclopedia dramatica

    So, some people said that the website Enclyclopedia Dramatica is halarious, others say that it's sick. I went on it and searched "Twilight" and the article made me laugh. So I searched "Miley Cyrus" and I almost lost my dinner because...let's just say it had the wrong images. I think the ones...
  2. M

    Cant take it anymore

    Sounds similar to me and my Dad. A while ago my Mum came home from work and I was in a mood because my Dad was in a mood. So she asked me what was wrong and I said, "Him." so my Dad called me to the living room: Dad: Who's him? Me: You. Dad: You don't call me him, I'm your father Me: I know...
  3. M

    What was your FIRST EVER post?

    On Missbehave it was something to do with fake Tamagotchis. On this one it was my introduction topic.
  4. M

    It was a time for a little change for Jinx

    Welcome back! Your username does look cool now.
  5. M

    online photo editor

    Thanks ^.^
  6. M

    Do you do graphic editing?

    Yeah but Photoshop isn't free and Gimp's almost as good even though it's free.
  7. M

    Is there a way...

    There's nothing wrong with you, everyone hits their growth spurt at different times. Some are nine, some are eighteen. It just depends.
  8. M

    Do you do graphic editing?

    I'm just curious because I have a programme called Gimp and I like editing images to make them cute, good or just plain silly. Or sometimes I just do random pictures. So do you do graphics on programmes like Gimp, photoshop or even paint? Here's a lil pic I done on Paricute (I'm not sure if...
  9. M

    online photo editor

    Puricite is so cute =) Here's one of my cats Pink and Floyd:
  10. M


    Nope. Who's it by? I love the title cos my first name is Grace.
  11. M

    Do you have any weird fears?

    I'm scared of feet o.O
  12. M

    Fist fights

    Yup. You also got sent to the nursery once. I forget why though.
  13. M

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    Wow, the most times I've seen a movie is twice (The Simpsons Movie) and that was just because my sister wanted to watch it with me. It's a decent movie though, unlike a certain one.
  14. M

    Fist fights

    I've gotten into loads. Like this boy in my class called me a whore (sorry if that's an inappropriate word) so I grabbed him by the hair and rammed his head against the table. His friend punched me so I started kicking him really hard. The teacher saw and got me into huge trouble but it was...
  15. M

    Some people REALLY shouldn't write Fanfics.

    You think that's bad? That was an offence to the series even though I hate Twilight.
  16. M

    What color socks are you wearing?

    I have blue socks.
  17. M

    Interview with the Vampire

    I watched some when I was like, six. I want to watch the rest, it was so good!
  18. M

    Grapes? O.o

    I like crunchy, seedless purple ones. I can't stop eating them, it's probably about the only fruit I like besides Lemon and Melon.
  19. M

    pokemon is an anime or cartoon

    It's a weird looking style of Anime, but yeah it's Anime because it's origanally Japanese I think
  20. M

    I'm Sad

    Put up photos on pet websites as well as posters, it's actually very effective.