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  1. M

    drop something on the person below you

    Cool, a boat. *Drops a laptop* ARGH!!!
  2. M

    Toilet Paper =D

    Andrex lol
  3. M

    Do You Sleep Walk/talk?

    Well my sister said that one in my sleep I screamed "F### YOU PETA!! BURN IN HELL!!!" Don't ask XD
  4. M

    Youtube Account

    My account= I uploaded a video once but it didn't work. I'm planning to upload another one soon.
  5. M


    Well it'd be nice if you got one from a rescue place (SPCA or whatever). There's loads of different kinds of animals in there who need an owner. It's better than just getting one off a breeder or a shop or something.
  6. M

    Does anyone else hate the Twilight series?

    Yup ;D Stephanie's good at making up plots, but she's just not a very good writer.
  7. M

    Rate the username above you!:3

    9/10 On mine, just rate "Missbehave", not the stupid pattern.
  8. M

    What's one website...
  9. M

    Do you do graphic editing?

    No, that's quite good. Is the girl in it meant to look evil?
  10. M

    " Mental Illnesses "

    Well in P7 (err....6th grade I think...) I moved school and at the new school I made friends at first but it turned out they were just using me because they'd fallen out with one of their other friends. So after they made up with that friend I was ditched. So I was a loner for pretty much the...
  11. M

    Encyclopedia dramatica

    That's the annoying thing about pop-up blockers. They block the things you do want and don't block the things you don't want.
  12. M

    Encyclopedia dramatica

    Same here. And sometimes it just goes onto those sites.
  13. M

    Do your eyes ever change colour?

    Mine are green. They're emerald-ish usually and lime-ish in the sunlight. My eye in the sunlight
  14. M

    will i ever get taller :(

    I'm 5'4'' and I'm 13. People stop growing when their 18, so you might hit a growth spurt FireCracker
  15. M

    When Do You...

    I feel hideous when I get up, come back from school or eat a big meal (I think I'm heading down the anorexia direction) I feel beautiful surprisingly when I look really pale. The pale look suits me.
  16. M

    Encyclopedia dramatica

    Same here. I loved the article about Scotland (I'm Scottish lol)
  17. M

    Do you do graphic editing?

    Well to be honest gimp is quite confusing. It was a month before I figured out how to work it.
  18. M

    Encyclopedia dramatica

    Why will it be closed?