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  1. M

    Texting Game

    cool, nothing to work out. ROFL
  2. M

    Texting Game

    My South American Yam Kicks Ice (lol) ILC
  3. M

    Boy or Girl?

  4. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    Oh shoot *runs* Barrack Obama
  5. M

    Turn your username around!

    >...evahebssim...< evahebssim? If you think of it as Eva Hebsim, it kinda sounds like a celebraty name. But it's actually quite cool.
  6. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    Huh? What? There's a link behind me? Wow... A candy monster made of...*suspence*...CANDY
  7. M

    If you made a book...

    Well I am writing one. Let's just say it's gory. Very gory. And very violent. It's a horror by a thirteen year old with morbid thoughts, so yeah. lol.
  8. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    (it's a vampire lol) ...No one's behind me....Oh well. Um...a sheep
  9. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    Cool. A DS Um...Alucard from Hellsing (click)
  10. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    Awwww A werewolf
  11. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    (There's too much "mes" here) HI!!!! You
  12. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    Awww hiya *gives treat* This kitten
  13. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    "So, did you swallow a dictionary or something when you wrote Twilight? Oh yeah, you suck." A chicken.
  14. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    O.O Um...Edward Cullen
  15. M

    Which books make you cry/sad?

    I cried in Chinese Cinderella when the little girls duck got killed. It was just so sad how it was written T.T
  16. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    First, I'll start with an example: Some one: Edward Cullen Some one else: I'll do the fangirl scream. Santa Another person: Ask why the heck I got coal for Christmas So basically some one says the name of some one (real or fictional) then the other person has to say what they'd do if...
  17. M

    Which movies make you cry/sad?

    Two Brothers-It was just...*sob* March of the Penguins-Seriously, I was bawling when the penguins got eaten by the seal and the dads were starving to death. Then after the film when I was in bed I was thinking about it and I started crying again. E.T-I was seven when I watched it, but still...
  18. M

    Things you think are overused in movies

    Wow, how could I forget that >.<
  19. M

    Things you think are overused in movies

    So, this is the same as my topic on Stuff We Read. So same as books, directors are milking the money cows for all they're worth. But they've ran out original ideas, so they recycle other ideas. The kid who has new friends until they get a very clever dog It's been used again and again and...