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  1. M

    What's something you learned today?

    I learnt that my garden is a actually the snails favourite habitat. I also learnt that small frogs live in the river near my house. They're so cute :(
  2. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    Ooooh er....Hi! A goat
  3. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    Find a penny, pick it up and for the day you'll have good luck (I think that's wrong lol) A hundred thousand pound/dollar/yen/rupee/rubel/what ever your currency is note.
  4. M

    Do you look like someone in your family?

    Well.... Mum: Slightly tan, light brown hair and brown eyes. Dad: pale, black hair and blue eyes Me: very pale, dark brown hair and green eyes. I look more like my Dad than my mum. Both my sisters look like my mum though and I can't tell with my brother yet because he's a baby.
  5. M

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    10/10 so cute
  6. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    Meeeeh, Whatsup doc? (Is that what he says? I have't watched it since I was like, eight or something.) My cat.
  7. M

    How Long Have You Been Here? :)

    I joined as Missbehave in 2006
  8. M

    Dragonball Evolution?!

    Personally, I've never liked the series because I thought the animation wasn't really good. The guys were a little too buff. I did see the trailer for the movie, and I was like, "Oh my god Goko or what ever his name is actually looks like a normal person!". I think I might go and see the movie...
  9. M

    What's your name? What about nicknames?

    I'm Grace. Bleh. I hate it. I was going to be called Iona but noooo, I got posh-snob (in my opinion) Grace. My nickname's Fishfish. I won't say why because it has to do with where I live.
  10. M

    Rate The Font Above!

    6/10 @Funky~Lemon: I used Vivaldi but it's a Vista font
  11. M

    The "they're behind you!" game

    Hi mum!! Uh...Some guy
  12. M

    Hotel For Dogs

    It was ok I guess. I did almost cry when the kids got separated, I think the ending was too fairy tale-ish though. I'd give it 7/10
  13. M

    Things you think are overused in books

    Yeah and the Scottish are completely stereotyped to wear kilts with nothing under and speak in a Glaswegian/Aberdeenian accent. God's sake, I lived in Glasgow for most of my life (I moved some where else though) and I don't speak like that, maybe that's because my mum's English. It doesn't...
  14. M

    Rate The Font Above!

    2/10 too fancy Now I'll take the fancy thing a step too far
  15. M

    Rate The Font Above!

    7/10 I really like this font
  16. M

    What song is stuck in your head at the moment?

    Great, now it's When your evil by Voltaire.
  17. M

    Oh my god people, STOP LABELING ME

    Sorry, I didn't know where to put it but since depressions involved, I decided to put it here. The following rant contains...Uh....ranting. Well OK, last year at school it was snowing so my mum made me wear a hat. I couldn't find a good one and I was in a rush, so I had to wear a skull cap...
  18. M


    Yeah, I love MSN. I go on it all the time, even though it has spawned a few arguments with my friends. But I moved away from my old town, so it's a quick and easy way to stay in touch with my friends. My msn is on my profile, if you wanna talk.
  19. M

    What song is stuck in your head at the moment?

    Rock 'n Roll Train by AC/DC Don't ask, my dad was playing it in the car the other day.