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  1. RawryCakes.x

    Self portrait photography Thread

    [x] Not really that artistic, but yeaah
  2. RawryCakes.x


    I'm like addicted to this site : )
  3. RawryCakes.x

    Funny Moments at School

    We had to like pick our future careers for some project thing, and this is kinda related to inside jokes xD Melissa - "I'm gonna be a gift wrapper. Like one of those elves at Christmas time." Me - "Well, I'm gonna be a pro pencil spinner. Stephen can be a deaf guy." Melissa - "Stephen, did...
  4. RawryCakes.x

    Funny Moments at School

    This guy was writing an acrostic with his mom's name and was like "What can I write for N?" and then this guy's like "Nerdy." And the teacher's like "Have you met his mom? She is not nerdy at all." Then we all start thinking. And then, I'm like "Noodles." And everyone's like "Wtf."
  5. RawryCakes.x

    What's something you learned today?

    I swear I'm like stupid now. Well, I'm academically smart. But I'm like street-stupid xD I can jump 110cm for high jump xP I can jump over the bike rack things Well, theyre pretty short, and I can scissor kick - high jump.
  6. RawryCakes.x

    What's something you learned today?

    How to draw an octagon. DONT JUDGE ME. Edit;; I just realized I made it so much more complicated then it actually is.
  7. RawryCakes.x

    Email skin/theme?

    My hotmail//msn theme is 'moonlight' My gmail is 'teahouse'. The one with the fox ;D
  8. RawryCakes.x


    I miss the days of us four <3 I miss you all so muchh !
  9. RawryCakes.x

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    Academic research has detailed reports stating that from a group of four men or women one will most certainly have a mental ailment of some kind or the other. Think about this calculation: if you have three normal friends, then you unfortunately are the fourth one out. In other words, the fourth...
  10. RawryCakes.x

    What are you listening to now?

    Where u at - Taeyang : )
  11. RawryCakes.x


    Ohyess, ILY keeley : ) Our conversations maybe short because of the horrible timing, but I still love them : )
  12. RawryCakes.x

    Gossip Girl

    Ahah, I love Jenny, even though she's such a brat now : ) They should really get Eric a boyfriend xP
  13. RawryCakes.x

    What song are you currently obsessed over?

    When we say (Juicebox) - AJ Rafael : )
  14. RawryCakes.x

    What's a random fact about you?

    I seem to not be able to go a day without saying "Okaythen" and "Sure"
  15. RawryCakes.x

    Funny moments in life.

    I took a dandelion and wiped it on William's arm, and I'm like "Youre yellow now" And then he's like "I already am. It's called being asian" xDD
  16. RawryCakes.x

    What's a random fact about you?

    I like school a lot now. It's weird. Like, I love being at school. I have problems.
  17. RawryCakes.x

    What's a random fact about you?

    lol, I'm 13 and apparently I already have 2 children.
  18. RawryCakes.x

    Half Empty or half full?

    Ahah, I guess I'm preetty optimistic, so half full
  19. RawryCakes.x

    Your Style! :]

    I always wear a random t-shirt from like Aeropostale, American Eagle, Hollister etc. Then either jeans, sweatpants, or shorts. Lately, I've been wearing shorts a lot, cause I have track practice like everyday. And I always wear a hoodie, lol. Then for shoes, I just wear running shoes, ahah...