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  1. S

    Tamatown Activation email problem

    On Friday I singed up for tamatown and after two days I didn't recive an email so I sighed up again but now its Wed. and I still have got any Activation email. Dose any one know how long it will take? I have alredy check the buck ect.
  2. S

    Pause Forever

    Actually you can't pause forever but you can pause for months in a row. But if battery wears out or you tamagotchi breaks you are no longer in pause mode.
  3. S

    Music Star Characters

    I have a Mametchi :wacko: and I named him Jack
  4. S

    Do find Tamas expensive?

    not really they only cost 15 dollars that's not that much unless your in Disney world where they try to sell them for 22 dollars ;)
  5. S

    Bandai wants to know what you think

    1) What’s your favorite tama design ever? Cookie Dough 2) Which previous design would you like to see done again on a special edition tama? Pink Ribbon 3) What’s your favorite tama character? Violetchi 4) What themes/hobbies would you like to see in future tamas? (example - Music Star’s...
  6. S

    Music Star

    I don't seem to have that problem but maybe you could put a charm or something on the music star's key chain (so its always there when you need it) and use that to help press the buttons
  7. S

    If you could have one tama ancestor

    Devilgotchi because if I get bored of it I can sell it for a lot of money
  8. S

    When dose the v6 go to school?

    thanks I was trying to figure it out for a long time that was very helpful
  9. S

    When dose the v6 go to school?

    I have an teenager on my v6 and I'm wondering how I send it to music school?
  10. S

    Hi I'm new

    I just joined this site
  11. S

    Music Star Connection problems

    I'm having trouble connection my V5 with my Music Star some times I get this message "sorry!! push key from ver.5" when I have already set both of them up and pushed the B button on both of them. Also some times when I try to connect them and connection fails on my V5 my Music Star starts to...