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  1. S

    Not Connecting

    Are you pressing the connect button on both of them? Is it really bright were your connecting (i used a v3 and v4 to test this) but 99% of the time the they were failing because i was holding them to close to the lamp. Is your connection thingy cracked? Are you holding the to far away they can...
  2. S

    Weird Battery Change

    the same thing happened to me when my battery died this is because the v4 is terrible glitchy the only thing you can do is rest :lol:
  3. S

    POLL for Tamagotchi!

    it has flewn across the room or at my face after swing it but I have never broken it
  4. S

    V6 beeping

    When I pause my music Star a few hours latter (usually when I'm asleep) it beeps then I rush to it to see what’s wrong just in cause some how it got of pause and when I get to its still on pause it was just beeping for no reason why dose it do this
  5. S

    My V5 rest it's self

    well I got my tamagotchi music star and v5 at the same time and opened them at about the same time and pulled the tab out at about the same time but v6/music star also was like 1 hour to 2 hours a head of my v5 and it was paused less then my v6 mainly because I didn’t know how to pause my v5 I...
  6. S

    tama eddiction test

    I have 4 a V3, V4, V5 and V6
  7. S

    My V5 rest it's self

    my buttons were not working so i took the batteries and when I put them back in it rest and it was also acting weird before my tamagotchi just won't grow in to an adult it seemed to be stuck in the teenager stage. Why did they do theses weird things
  8. S

    who is the best of all

    V6 but why isn't V1, V2 or V3 included
  9. S

    Tamatown Activation email problem

    hmmm Is still don't seem to have any :)
  10. S

    It reset itself....

    did you maybe accidentally press a button I was board and I took my batteries out and then put them back in my V5 and I nearly reset it with out noticing
  11. S


    I changed my instruments to all keyboard after my 3rd time of failing and then changed the clock to 1 min before the last time he showed up and then he showed up but i forgot what time it is
  12. S

    Tamatown Activation email problem

    thank you, but bandai official hates me, (or at least Bandai US) First they wouldn't replied to my Email asking them about the Tamagotchi + color, then they wouldn't give me any of my three activation emails and now they won't let me in to the log in screen. :o Dose bandai have problems with...
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    I have one a there fun I have a Bratz Cloe
  14. S

    My Tamagotchi became an egg with wings!

    Your tamagotchi is dead saddly :furawatchi:
  15. S

    Rate the username above you!:3

  16. S

    Ho do I stop my Tamagotchi From Eating the Food

    you cant stop them from eating it but you can write to codes down on a piece of paper and enter the code when your ready to feed it to your tamagotchi also I think you can use the code more than once
  17. S

    Stores That Carry Tamagotchis

    I have been to a toys r us where there were selling both the v5 and music star
  18. S

    Tamatown Activation email problem

    I just signed up again this time made sure it was the right email but its not there yet hope fully it will be there later today