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  1. L

    Do you have a dog or cat..

    We have a fat Guinea pig named Muffin. I am holding her right now. She has so many nicknames I'm pretty sure there are a couple that acknowledge her fatiness.
  2. L

    What are you a combination of?

    1/2 Hungarian 1/2 American Hungerican Noone else in this topic is Hungarian. Beat that! I might even be a little bit German since my Grandpa is from Germany
  3. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste? Sending my friend a recipe for Hungarian doughnuts. They are called Fanks (Pronounced fonk) We love how there are fat people ads all over the page
  4. L

    What's something you learned today? Sending my friend a recipe for Hungarian doughnuts. They are called Fanks (Pronounced fonk) We love how there are fat people ads all over the page EDIT: I thought this was the copy and paste topic. Nevermind XD
  5. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    // I was sending it to my friend's older sister WHO HAD NEVER SEEN PPP. And she has shredded the internet piece by piece, but has never seen this.
  6. L

    Which sites are blocked at your school?

    Nothing, really. My school never really bothered. Either way, we can only use the laptops that have internet during computer class, which mostly consists of making animations, using different programs, and making projects using these programs during the period. It's the same thing for the people...
  7. L

    Dry Skin Dx

    My dad has something like that. I used it, and it helped some of the dryness go away. I also use one of those softening stones your supposed to use on you feet, but I put some lotion on it and used it on my hands. It helped too.
  8. L

    Dry Skin Dx

    It all started when I tried this Aloe Vera gel my aunt recommended about a week ago. My hands have been extremely dry ever since, and no matter what lotions I use the dryness still won't go away. Anyone have suggestions?
  9. L

    Guess The Lyrics Of The Song

    I don't know the name, all I know is that Mulan sang this after she was rejected from the matchmaker. I <3 Mulan Everybody was kung-fu fighting Those cats were fast as lightning In fact it was a little bit frightning But they fought with expert timing
  10. L

    What's something you learned today?

    When your friends say "The Palm Pre sucks" do NOT stick out your hand and say "Palms suck?" It will result in you crying/laughing on the floor while screaming "That sucked! I SUCK!"
  11. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes Bother buying DS games, most likely. After showing me the games, me, my brother and dad got into a argument over the gender of Mario characters. Apparently Birdo is a boy and my dad and brother believe that Yoshi is a boy even though SHE LAYS EGGS.
  12. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    man last night i had the worst night ever Must've been my brother
  13. L

    What's something you learned today?

    PERIODS SUCK. Wait, I already knew that Dx
  14. L

    Rate the food/drink above

    ^SHUN. 8/10 Play-Doh
  15. L


    -HEADDESK- It started at two in the morning. I put in a pad that was not big or absorbent enough because I thought this one was going to be light like all of my previous ones. Woke up and the blood spread outside the pad. Now I am using bigger pads, clogged 1 toilet, almost clogged another...
  16. L

    What did you do for new years?

    For me, new years almost didn't happen. My mom doesn't believe in it because we are Jewish, but then I went to a friends house and it was EPIC. First, we were held hostage at my house because my mom was baking Challeh (Jewish bread. Google it) and wanted to send her home with some. Then we got...
  17. L

    Guess The Lyrics Of The Song

    I do not know. It's the thrill of the fight Rising up to the challenge of our rival And the last known survivor Stalks his prey in the night
  18. L

    Rate the food/drink above

    5/10 Whipped cream
  19. L


    Because the mac and cheese is ready