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  1. L


  2. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    I have visited factories in the neighborhood and it seems that you are unaware of the horrors going on inside of it. Children working 14 hours a day, horrifying working conditions, and a terrible pay. I would like you, state lawmakers, to create reform labor laws to stop this. I would like for...
  3. L

    Factsss :D

    Only 25% of Americans don't bite their nails The sounds of E.T. walking was made by a person squishing their hands in jelly Mark Twain was born on and died on days when Halley's Comet can be seen There are 4 Friday the 13th's in 2010 On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents...
  4. L

    (Wrong) Song Lyrics.

    For 3OH!3, I thought you pronounced it three-oh-exclamationpoint-three Also, for the song "Shawty's like a melody in my head" I thought for a long time it was "Charlene's like a melody in my head" But I still sing it like that just for fun. Sometimes I sing "Party like a lobster" instead of...
  5. L

    What was the last word you said?

    "Demacrats" I had to tell my parents what a crowd on T.V. was chanting
  6. L

    The Person Above Me...

    TPAM had eee-mah-gahh-nayy-shun (Say it out loud and slow, it sounds like Spongebob)
  7. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste? That's a mug I own. Since today we got school off, I sent my friend a picture of the mug and told her in order to celebrate the day off, I was drinking hot chocolate out of my epic mug.
  8. L

    1000 Sleepover Pranks

    Eh......they might choke on the magnets. 19. Do the classic air-horn trick 20. If the victim is sleeping on a four-poster bed, wrap loads of yarn around the posts until they are sleeping in a cacoon
  9. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    under armour Eh?
  10. L

    Other tabs/windows?

    Ouran manga, Meebo, and some Skype stuff my dad is using.
  11. L

    Inside Jokes!

    It's thee EYE OF THE TIGER....... -Everyone in my class and me Rapeeee -My friend Brenda and me Mushroom Closet- Me and my 2 friends NARWHALS- Me and my 2 friends MEATBUN- Me and my 2 friends
  12. L

    Things You Like that everyone else hates

    I LOVE Junie B. Jones. I used to read it all the time when I was little, and I still find her epic. =D I remember once she needed to bring a pet for pet day at her school, and she couldn't bring her dog because he was too big, so she brought fish-sticks instead. Her fish-sticks got the award...
  13. L

    What's something you learned today?

    -I learned how to tie a tie! Actually, I figured it out myself, so now I'm wearing my dad's tie in celebration X3 -That today is national Hug a Ginger Day =D Sadly, I do not know any red-heads. Maybe I'll print a picture of Ron Weasley and hug it
  14. L

    You never leave home without...

    Without clothing on and little tub of mintfull chapstick
  15. L

    Cavities. o:

    I never had, but two are forming in my teeth. They will come if I don't floss, which is hard because I have braces. Dx
  16. L

    What's something you learned today?

    ^ I have a ring replica too, from the LOTR version of the game Risk. The cover of the game shows a screaming Ork, and I remember being scared of it when I was younger. X3 -That my brother FINALLY LIKES HARRY POTTER! It took us 3 years to get him to read past chapter 1 =D
  17. L

    What's the weirdest place

    Didn't you sleep in the space between the couch and the wall? Me? On a chair covered in towels from the dryer. I slept funny, so when I woke up I had the worst pain in my neck Dx Once when I was younger, I fell asleep during class. I remember thinking about owls before I fell asleep. Last...
  18. L

    Do you think this is funny?

    That was.. odd. o.o Actually, I would prefer it to end with the Tyler person hit Bella in the field with his car. That poor llama. D:
  19. L

    What's something you learned today?

    ^ You may be the Lord of the Rings, but I have the ring. And the ring is MY PRECIOUS. MINE. MINNEEE -goes into Smigel mode- -When you drink to much water, it will come out of your nose and you will get a major headache -Asian people on American Idol FTW
  20. L

    What are you a combination of?

    Do you mean Israeli? Hebrew is the language they speak.