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  1. L

    Agree, Disagree.

    Disagree I was drawing hearts by the time I was 2. I couldn't speak until a little while after I turned 2 because I had a speech problem. I remember teaching my speech teacher how to draw hearts. Mulan is awesome
  2. L

    Things you hate that everyone else likes

    I completely agree.
  3. L

    What happened in your neighborhood

    This isn't about the book itself, but what happened when it came out. When it came out, I was at a place where I go every summer, and EVERYONE had a copy. I didn't though, because my brother was in camp and he had our family's copy. There was a playground there, but instead of playing on the...
  4. L


    Well, My friend Brenda had a snowball fight with a tree
  5. L

    Food Fight! 8D

    -Coke explodes into a fizzy mess in mid-air- HA! That looked so awesome! -Throws brownie batter at the nearest person-
  6. L

    Valentines Day Quiz

    1.Do you like getting flowers? Yes 2.Do you like getting chocolate? Yes 3.Do you like getting cards? If they contain money or sing 4.Do you like getting stuffed animals? If it's a dinosaur or fish 5.Do you have a boyfirned/girlfriend/ and or husband/wife? Nope 6.Do you like getting hugs? Oh...
  7. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    // Probably sending it to a friend
  8. L

    Things you hate that everyone else likes

    -3-D movies. Ugh, they make me dizzy, and it no longer seems 3-D-ish after the first 20 minutes -Ke$ha. Not entirely though, because someone made a great parody of her song Tik Tok called Glitter Puke, and it made my day -Make-up. It itches me and is a pain to put on and take off. I only wear...
  9. L

    Rate the "Chuck Norris" joke above

    10/10 A handicap parking sign does not signify that this spot is for handicapped people. It is actually in fact a warning, that the spot belongs to Chuck Norris and that you will be handicapped if you park there
  10. L

    Rate the "Chuck Norris" joke above

    9/10 In fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone else has ever gotten.
  11. L

    Things You Like that everyone else hates

    Yoga. It's so awesome. I did it when I was 9 and now I'm starting again. I do admit, it can be a bit painful, but afterwards you feel so awesome and flexible. Eating salt. Just salt. Sometimes when I'm doing homework I randomly pick up the nearest salt shaker and start pouring bit by bit in my...
  12. L

    Food Fight! 8D

    -Takes gorilla and has it block the peanuts- -Throws mayo at everyone-
  13. L

    Rate the "Chuck Norris" joke above

    6/10 Chuck Norris can choke someone with a cordless phone.
  14. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    Today, I was in the bathroom at school. As I reached for the toilet paper, I saw the message "Bathroom Ping Pong! Look right!" I looked right and saw the message "Look left!" I looked left and saw the first message, then looked right and saw the second message. This continued until I was ready...
  15. L

    Food Fight! 8D

    -Licks up custard- Actually I'm quite a fan of custard... -Custard-covered self hugs the person below me-
  16. L

    Rate the "Chuck Norris" joke above

    7/10 Chuck Norris is the reason why Waldo is hiding.
  17. L

    Food Fight! 8D

    -Dodges marshmallow- BWA! -Get gernades filled with M&M's and fires-
  18. L

    Percy Jackson

    It's on my to-read-list. It looks so epic.
  19. L

    Food Fight! 8D

    -Gets hit with Dreamer.x's cake- The cake is a lie! -Loads gun with M&M's and has an M&M vs. Skittles fight with Epic.Fail-
  20. L

    Piggy Banks.

    I have one, it's sort of hard the explain how it looks. It's like, a chicken with a baby bunny on it's back. If I remember, I'll post a piccy. I feed it if there's loose change on my dresser