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  1. L

    Things you found in your closet

    Have you ever found some old toy or such in your garage or closet, considered throwing it out or selling it online, and found out that it was worth something? That happened to me once, but my brother wants the computer now so I will have to tell you later.
  2. L

    Scary Stories!

    I heard a baby cry outside of my bathroom window. It was actually a cat. Ooohhh spookeh.
  3. L

    What are you listening to now?

    A Japanese Christmas song. X3
  4. L

    Nintendo 64

    I own one. We have an xbox 360, but right now my brothers and I digging through the closets trying to find our 64. My favorite game was Mario Kart, with the original Rainbow road. I <3 rainbow road. Do you own a Nintendo 64?
  5. L


    Do you like to use chopsticks? I like to when I eat sushi. The rest of the time I eat with forks.
  6. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste? Sending it to people I know. Warning them.
  7. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste? Sending it to my friend... If your'e wondering I got Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff
  8. L

    S H O W E R S <3

    I love showers, especially when I have a new shampoo or some shower-related item I just bought and want to try out. Mine last for I do not know how long, but all I know is that I take so long in it that my mom gets mad if I use the bathroom for showering before my brother. He hates showers. o.o...
  9. L


    I'm up to 7,000 grains now...
  10. L


    I changed from English vocabulary to Spanish vocab and got over 4,300 grains of rice and I don't even know Spanish.
  11. L


    I just found out you can do other subjects! =D 500 grains so far...
  12. L

    What's your favorite Cereal and Milk Combo?

    I'm not really a cereal person, but anything with yogurt clusters is awesome.
  13. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    patience Whenever I can't figure out how to spell a word, I search it on google and copy and paste it.
  14. L


    I had to go on there for a school project once. I donated....... 100 grains or so I have no patience for vocabulary words. God, I'm such a bad person..
  15. L

    Give the person above you

    Bloodied Windows With A Chance Of Meatballs I'm in a rather odd mood....
  16. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste? Showing that to my smart person friend. I wanna try that. =D
  17. L

    New Username

    I think you should go with: .:BethGotThePower:. or x.Demented Pancake.x
  18. L

    What happened in your neighborhood

    Actually, the 7th one came out in 2007. I asked my friend, she said she was in summer camp when it came out, but her camp went into complete chaos too. They had to make two other mail rooms filled completely with camper's ordered copies of it. She says she only remembers one girl who didn't...
  19. L

    What are you eating right now?

    3 Muskeeters
  20. L


    Scoliosis doesn't change who you are. I hope your'e surgery goes well. Read this. I have a hearing problem and a slight speech problem, but those aren't really diseases.