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  1. L

    My fail story.

    I am LOVING this fail story
  2. L

    Stuff you find when you clean your room...

    [Off topic] Harry and Ginny wedding story had no actual wedding. It was just the planning the wedding. Its about 2 pages long. There was also a 'snogging' scene, but I copied it word for word from the book because I didn't know how to write a 'snogging' scene. I also rewrote when Hagrid was...
  3. L

    What strange thing are you known for at school?

    The one who sings Eye of the Tiger The one who wants to move to Wisconsin The one who made her Yearbook profile completely based on Chuck Norris The one who peed herself in Washington D.C. The one who pees herself. period. The one who goes on TamaTalk The one who always has nom nom food in...
  4. L

    Do you sing in the shower?

    Do you sing in the shower? If so, what was the last song you sang in the shower? I didn't really sing..... I was meowing the Harry Potter theme.
  5. L

    If you have siblings...

    I have an okay-ish relationship with my oldest brother. He mostly interacts with me by falcon punching me, poking me with brooms. And farting in cups and then handing it to me o.o My middle brother is awesome. Yesterday he started acting like a ostrich then I threw popcorn at him to catch in...
  6. L

    What's a random fact about you?

    That I am feeling utterly awesome right now. =D
  7. L

    What was the last word you said?

    'Awesome' I was describing my school's Beatles play. =D
  8. L

    Funny moments in life.

    Today my friend ands I were sitting outside of school waiting for a ride. This 5-year old petite girl I know was running right past us. I yelled "LITTLE PERSON! =D" Then she stopped, turned around, tackled me and gave me a hug. :3
  9. L

    To Buy List?

    Laptop iPod touch A trip to a mall. (I need new clothing) This or This Batteries A Snitch or Time turner necklace The Tales of Beedle the Bard (Harry Potter book)
  10. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain I was asking my friend if that was an ironic thing to engrave on an iPod, because that's what I was aiming for. (It's from Harry Potter)
  11. L

    What's something you learned today?

    And never fall asleep playing with silly putty. Results = Disastrous. It happened to me 3 times. ------ I learned that the Harry Potter brand is worth 20 billion dollars. =O
  12. L

    Its Normal.

    Normal. I run after Staples trucks until they stop and re-fill my stapler.
  13. L

    Stuff you find when you clean your room...

    Lighters, old diaries, a Harry and Ginny wedding story I made when I was 10 (XD), old books. I love it when I find either Caps for Sale or Good night Moon on the bottom of my closet, then I promptly forget about cleaning and have story time. Old dolls, my grandma's jewelry, old Tamagotchi...
  14. L

    Where is this?

  15. L

    Why did i get banned from another fourm? (not here

    They were just a bunch of bored n00bs. Just find another fan club. (:
  16. L

    Things you found in your closet

    I found a Jane Tarzan doll from 1999 that is my mom was gonna chuck, but I found out it was worth 80 bucks. =D
  17. L

    Have you ever?

    Lucky. I wanna do that now. HYE Grown your toenails so long that they cut through your socks? I'm so gross XD
  18. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    I'm a fan. =D
  19. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste? Sending it to my friend. Best. Commercial. EVER.
  20. L

    Last Time you LOL'd?

    Yesterday. I was in the park and saw a squirrel, so I started following it. It scrambled up a tree and we stared at each other until the squirrel telepathically communicated with a pitbull, telling him to lick my ankle, causing me to look down. When I looked up the squirrel was gone. Trick...