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  1. L

    To Buy List?

    MORE clothes Onigiri charm. I want it sooo bad. Bathing suits =P The Book of Awesome iTouch. (Mostly for the manga app :3) A new bike. I've had this bike since I was 9. It sucks, and I realllyyyy wanna go bike riding. A new shelf for my room. My one and only shelf is cluttered to the max
  2. L

    U.S. Census

    Actually, they do that for recreational purposes. Do they include the names of the people in the family in the census? I think they do. They use information like that for things like 'The most popular baby names of the decade'
  3. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste? Sending it to my friend. xD
  4. L

    U.S. Census

    Did you send back your census? I feel like an ad for the government. xD So have you?
  5. L


    Laws book are never worth reading. They are dangerous for your health.
  6. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste? Sending it to my friend. I want her to watch it because I know she will love it. ^ If you never heard of Pandora Hearts, go watch it. Awesome anime/manga.
  7. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste? Was sending it to my friend. Such a pretty song. <3
  8. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

  9. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    Apply a 1/4 cup of white vinegar, 3/4 cup of water, a few drops of lavender oil and a few drops of peppermint oil to towel-dried hair. Leave for 2 minutes, and rinse. Today, I was remembering an old 'Home Remedies' topic, so I went and found it, and found this formula thing for brown hair. So...
  10. L


    Usually there is: A little note I wrote in class telling me what I need to buy in Target, or things I have to do Little notes I passed with my friends A bobby pin or a hair tie Either my friends Julia's or Shaina's iTouch. I don't have my own, so I usually take one of theirs and read manga...
  11. L

    Do you sing in the shower?

    I last sang: Gotta get back to Hogwarts- AVPM
  12. L


    Toy with their half alive body. Just kidding! Call 91,1 perform CPR, the usual stuff.
  13. L


    I was thinking the same thing.
  14. L


    We don't have a uniform. The girls just have to wear skirts and can't wear shirts with logos or prints on it. (No one listens to the 2nd one though) Girls can only wear sandals if they have secure straps that go around the back of the ankle. No tank tops. The boy can't wear jeans and have to...
  15. L

    Celebrity Crushes

    Elmer Fudd
  16. L

    The Tamatalk Man

    B. Chuck Norris comes back and wants you to be his slave in payment for round-house kicking the tall people. You: A. Say yes without hesitation. If you say no, he would roundhouse kick YOU. B. Run away...... but Chuck Norris would still be able to find you C. Vhat? Me dos not 'now Eeenglish
  17. L

    Funny Moments at School

    We were having pep talk for our Beatles play. Everyone was nervous, so a girl in my class said "We can do it! We're all SEX DEMONS!" ....Then another girl slapped everyone in the face for good luck. :3
  18. L

    If you could change you username

    I wouldn't want to change my username. You can tell I suck at making usernames by my username, so if I would make a new would it would probably suck twice as much. The only good username I ever made was 'TheeChocolatePecan' for my YouTube account. Either way, I have so many posts on this account...
  19. L

    Do you sing in the shower?

    -High Fives- -------- I last sang Eye of the Tiger.... oh the memories that song has made for me. :3
  20. L

    Birthday Calculator!

    I'm posting only what I found interesting: Your date of conception was on or about 10 November 1995 which was a Friday. You were born on a Friday under the astrological sign Leo. Your Life path number is 8. Your fortune cookie reads: Your talents will be recognized and suitably rewarded...