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  1. L

    Agree, Disagree.

    Disagree. I like it with those fancy sauces that I don't remember the names of. Coffee flavored ice cream pwns
  2. L


    I saw it in the summer. It was very creepyfull. In fact, sometimes when I think about it at night, I stay up all night. It's good I didn't see it in 3-D though. 3-D makes me naucious if I watch it for more than 20 minutes. Today I saw a snowman with buttons for eyes. I got freaked out.
  3. L

    What anime characters do you just HATE?

    He's only that way because he's been raised by a quite insane mother. Have you read the manga? If you hadn't, you should, it would clear it up. Renege from Ouran HSHC drives me insane. Her laugh is the worst, even though she is a funny character. Character from Ouran that I really do hate are...
  4. L

    sad news about Brittany Murphy

    She was in Uptown girls? I don't know who she is, but now I am sad because I love that movie. )':
  5. L


    I skipped my November one and if I'm lucky, my December one. I can tell that I'm getting my period when I go into, as my friends call it, 'rapist mode'
  6. L

    The Person Above Me...

    TPAM likes this topic
  7. L

    1000 Sleepover Pranks

    7. Fling random objects at them until they wake up. Then blind them with the lights. 8. If you own any pet in the rodent family, put it on the victim's chest and wait until he/she wakes up. Or if they're lying on their side, put it on his/her ear.
  8. L

    What's on your Copy and Paste? I was sending it to my friends =3
  9. L

    What's something you learned today?

    Actually, a girl in my class was writing a script for our senior play, and she made one of the character's name Krystal. Feel more honored. X3 -Never underestimate the power of Vanilla -Marching around your basement while swinging your guinea pig in one hand is fun -It's fun teaching 7th...
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    What are you eating right now?

    Yoplait vanilla yogurt. Yummeh (:
  11. L


    Kapaka- You pwn (: I think that some hobos are quite awesome, like the ones you hear about on MLIA. Some are creepy, and like Esther said, there are just fakes who use the money for drugs and beer. Once I saw a hobo holding a sign saying: "I don't care if I have nothing, I want beer" or...
  12. L

    What's the big deal with name brands?

    In my opinion, I think it is mostly the pre-teen crowd that wear the most name brands. It think that they sorta want to seem like teenagers, so they spend extra money on clothes from Pink and other such stores. I have to admit, me and my whole class used to be like that, but now noone in my...
  13. L

    whats your...

    My favorite pluffys are: All my 32 Ty Beanie Babies My Webkinz, even though my account expired well over a year ago. I like them mostly cause they're fluffy. =3 My penguin called DJ the penguin because at my cousin's bat-mitzah, they gave out penguin pluffys. They all ran out, but then the DJ...
  14. L

    Agree, Disagree.

    Disagree (sorry Krystal. ): ) Krystal pwns
  15. L


    What are you whooping at?
  16. L

    Naming Random Objects

    My friend and I have a tree that we rename about every week because we keep on forgetting the name. In fact, sometimes were not sure which tree it is. I remember though that it's current name is Coconut. I have a bunch of things named after TT people. The only ones I can remember right now is...
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  18. L

    2,000 ways to ruin Wal-Mart.....

    203. Go in the change rooms and come out naked 204. Pants people 205. Throw bouncey balls at random people