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  1. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Takeshi smiled. "I was hoping to stay as long as you let me." Persephone's eyes went very dark for a moment, but she shook it away. "You didn't let him understand, or apologize. Scarlet, you can't hold them with a leash. Especially when you don't see them for months..." "How do you get married...
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Kazooie backed away from him and turned into a phoenix, sleeping on Takeshi's shoulder now. Leslie blinked. "Sure." Drew shrugged and pulled a camera from her back pocket, taking a picture and giggling. NEW PLOT. Aro glomped Cecil. "Hi there sexy."
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Kazooie took a finger and lifted Cole's chin up, kissing him. Carlisle went around the house screaming Leslie and Shadow were getting married. Leslie was reading. "Perhaps." Drew giggled again. "I'm not sure. I'm positive."
  4. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    "Your a good artist." "Better talk to Momma then. Surprise her. I'll go tell everyone." "I love you both~" Drew said, giggling. Amelia closed her eyes and inhaled sharply. "I'm fine, really. I'll be out and about in no time."
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Kazooie took the paper and unfolded it, staring. "Well~~?" Drew hugged them both. "Nausea. I'm f-fine."
  6. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Kazooie purposely turned away. He shook his head. Drew smiled. "Good. But now I have nothing to feast on.." She looked at BB for a moment and shook her head. "Now hug him." Amelia hugged back, paling a little.
  7. S

    VMA Awards.

    I loved Lady GaGa's performance. and P!nk's! How healthy she must be to be able to sing and work in the air like that o.o Kanye was a *** ;) Thank God Beyonce was nice enough to give up her time for Taylor~
  8. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Kazooie sighed a little. She didn't know what to say to Cole now. Carlisle looked at Shadow. "Daddy... when are you and Mommy getting married?" Drew licked her fangs. "Mean it. What are you sorry for?" Amelia smiled. "Sweet." Persephone shook her head. "No Scarlet. This was desperate of you."
  9. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Persephone stared blankly. "Did you ever stop and think this was an act of desperation?" she asked. Kazooie looked at him. "Cole.." Carlisle blushed a little. "Thanks Daddy." "Your going to apologize to Dafret for being an a`ss, or I feed off you~" " this the first time you ever had a boy?"
  10. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Persephone stared at Scarlet blankly. "Look, Scarlet.. Don't even ask how I know your name. I'm Persephone. I think, you need someone to talk to." She then smiled, her eyes warming. "I care, Scarlet. Really." Kazooie hugged Cole. "I can't control when I stay and leave."...
  11. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Persephone giggled. She could never be unhappy. "Let's talk about it then~!" Kazooie patted his head. "Only a few more years..." He looked up at Shadow, smiling. "I don't think I would have liked my real dad as much as I love you." Drew waved to BB. "Hiya brother~~" "Tell them, then."
  12. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Persephone was packing her stuff. "Hey, Hades. I'm going away for awhile. I'll be back soon, okay?" She appeared by Scarlet. "Hiya there. I heard you were in a bit of a ... pickle." Kazooie nodded. "I would never lie to you. I time travel. With Takeshi." Carlisle finally felt a little worn...
  13. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    OOC: *has the periodic table of elements memorized* I'm good nao~ "In the future.. you and I are friends. When your a man." Carlisle laughed with glee, happy beyond his dreams. Drew smiled back, and moved her fingers away. "I love you, Dafret. Relax." Amelia thought. "Yes.."
  14. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    OOC: Hello everyone. i wont be on today due to huge exam tomorrow. kso. adios mi amors <3.
  15. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    "Kazooie ate already. I'm fine. I'd rather help you cook," he said, smiling. Kazooie walked closely to Cole, looking him up and down. "So this is you younger.." Carlisle giggled and blushed a little. "Weee~" Drew set her ice cream down and settled her fingers at the ends of his lips, pulling...
  16. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Kazooie couldn't help but admire Barley and Cole. She looked to Takeshi. "Can I?" Takeshi shook his head. "Not yet, Kazooie." He leaned in to Svenja, chuckling. "Ahh, she's so anxious to tell him." Carlisle giggled and held onto Shadow. "Weee~" "Smile. Be happy." "Yes. But if you need to...
  17. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    "Ten years from now, I mean..," Takeshi replied. Kazooie smiled. "Kazooie~" Carlisle smiled. "I love you Daddy." She ate a spoonful as well. "Of course. I wouldn't lie to you." Amelia said, "We can get some family tree and look for it."
  18. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Kazooie blushed and looked away from Cole. She didn't know how to introduce herself. Takeshi leaned in to Svenja and whispered, "his girlfriend." Carlisle smiled up at Shadow. "That may as well be because I am your son." Drew got two bowls and filled them both with ice cream, walking to...
  19. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Kazooie cooed again, loudly. It almost sounded like she said Cole. Takeshi sighed gently. "Kazooie..." Kazooie flew off of Cole and turned human. She rubbed the back of her head. "Sorry Takeshi." Carlisle sighed with relief. "Good." Drew went into the kitchen. Midwife left. Amelia opened...
  20. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    The phoenix swooped down and landed on Cole's shoulder. She had time traveled- but forgot Cole didn't know who she was. She cooed again. Takeshi sweatdropped. "Kazooie. Stop it." Lalala sleep. "Is it a dangerous power?" "Want some ice cream?" she asked. Midwife handed the Lor'themar the...