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  1. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Leslie blushed. "I did that when I found out I was having Cole, though. Why put him through it again? He doesn't want me." Aro chuckled and stroked Cecil's head. Little Kinsey snuggled up to Nekro and giggled. Morgaine sighed and walked over to M.A.1 "..sigh."
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Leslie traced circles on Shadow randomly. "So." Drew cried. "I never see him anymore .___." She buried her head in BB and sighed. "I love too." Morgaine just laughed.
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    "..why the stutter?" Drew nodded solemnly. "Yha." Aro giggled. "What now?"
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Leslie climbed on top of Shadow. "Is this really what you wanted?" she asked. Drew looked down, fumbling over words. "I'm pregnant." "Oh Cecil. My love." She blushed again. "Nekro...
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Leslie was tired. " how is everyone?" Aro smirked, staring at the ceiling. Little Kinsey blushed.
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    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    Your lover has been magically transformed into an animal, and the only way to restore your lover is to mate with them. Here's the question: Which animal would cause you the least psychological damage? ^ 8D
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Time skip the wedding.. To the honeymoon!! Drew picked up bread and nibbled on it. Aro sucked on Cecil's finger. Time skip? She giggled. "Soo.."
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    Academic strengths/weaknesses.

    Strength: English, Social Studies Weakness: Math, Pys. Ed
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Takeshi poked back. Leslie took them to a church. Drew smiled. "Hm." Aro opened his mouth in protest, but didn't say anything. Little Kinsey smiled. "I love you."
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    "Then let's tie the knots, shall we?" Drew sat in the grass, leaning against a tree. "Lovely day." "O-Oh.. Oh Cecil.." She looked up at Nekro suddenly, to attracted to him to even bother with the reading.
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Persephone sighed. "You know you want me," Leslie said provocatively. Drew pointed to a shaded area. "There~" Aro put his hands down Cecil's pants and fondled around. Not giving a sh`it about mods. Little Kinsey peered at the words, growing to thirteen so she could read.
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Persephone rubbed Scarlet's shoulders. "Relax. Go back to him." "Live like the Joker." "Of course~" "Okayy." "May.. May I put my hands in your pants.. and play around?" Aro choked out. "Sure!" Little Kinsey jumped onto the roof and clung to Nekro's one arm.
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Takeshi shrugged. "Plastic surgery was made for a reason." Persephone hugged Scarlet. Leslie came down in her bikini and her hair pulled up in a ponytail. Drew pouted. "Of.. of course." Little Kinsey smiled. "Hi."
  14. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Takeshi smiled. "I'm glad someone thinks so." Leslie went to get ready because she figured she could make herself more sexy than she already was. Drew licked her fangs anxiously. "Food sounds lovely. Think he keeps blood around the workshop?" "B-B-But.." Little Kinsey was just staring up at him.
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Takeshi chuckled. "Oh Svenja." "Okayy~" "Fun~ Aro pouted. "...D:"
  16. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    "Do what you want." Drew said, "What now~?" Aro put his hands in Cecil's pants.
  17. S

    What are you reading now?

    Trying to get Our Town. Heard that it was a fantastic play.
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Leslie giggled. Drew smiled softly. "Two of the best brothers in the world." Aro chuckled. "Cecil, your begging for it, aren't you?"
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    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Leslie looked down. "We should just keep it simple." Drew took another picture. Aro stroked Cecil's head. "I see."
  20. S

    Secrets Powers.. [VOL.4]

    Takeshi smiled. "That's lovely~ Thank you~" Persephone blinked. "Scarlet. I'm going to tell you a story." Persephone leaned against a wall. "I have a cousin. Her name is Leslie Bennett. She's the most amazing woman I've ever met. She's eighteen. Got it? Eighteen. She's been married once- to...