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  1. D

    chain mails

    ok i got a cain mail from my freaid and they anoy the heck outa me it was some irish spell that grants u good luck but if u delete the e amil its suposed to bring u bad luck and i dont believe in lunk but after i deleted it, the day went by curd-ily! 1. i was stung by a bee 2. i called my...
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    what are some of your secrets

    im really an alein held in captivity by the goverment.
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    serios cravings

    ok today i started my period 4 the second time only and today i had HUGE cravings for sweet and fried and un-healthey things... do u think that had to do with my period? P.S plz i dont not want to hear any comets like "EWW" or "im a guy i dont no" or "i think this is too graphic 4 the little...
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    grandmas in the hospital..

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    mach-maker paper

    ha! thats funny, ok ima bout to go to school so wish me luck with the mob of ppl about to attack me, p.s ill try that
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    grandmas in the hospital..

    ok my grandmas in the hospital, she is getting her liver and hip replaced and i thought i would sent her a collection of poems to cheer her up, i have a couple but do u have any u could give to her? P.S of corse ill give u guys credit, i wont say its from me XD
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    GL magizine

    i love that magazien!
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    mach-maker paper

    a long time ago i made a "mach-maker" list for fun, were i listed every girl in my grade in one collom and right next to it i listed every boy in my grade at tottal random and who ever was next to each other was a "couple" so i gave a couple of lists to my friends and somhow the list got out to...
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    How fast do you type?

    i type really fast but i do it in a "peck way" bye only using ur index fingers XD
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    Have you ever had a dream

    ive had orlando blume in my dreams....and all of his cute-ness ^,^
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    What do you think a song said..

    thats what i thought XD i was like "WTF!?"
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    freaky P.E teacher

    i have a P.E teacher named mr. zongul and he kinda freaks me out, i feel all, u no, uncomfturble around him, one time when we were running laps hes like "nice legs" and when we were exersizing hes like, "u have a really good body" or he will come up to me and say "i really like ur hair" and he...
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    i really want a rat :D i see then in the pet stores all the time and i think they are so cute, i dont no anyone who owns one but i searched them up and they are supposed to be realy smart and they can be really attached to their owners, u can even train them to open a door for u! :wub: but...
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    brother almost taken away from me!

    my little brother is probubly the most ramunctios person in the whole world :D when he was about to turn 2 years old..he broke his arm from climing out of his crib :( so we took him to the doctor and the doctor noticed mutiple bruisis on his arms and legs (also from ruff play) andshe came to...
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    What kind of

    i like guys who are funny and nice and polite but not too, u no, goody-goody, i dont really care how they look but, i would mind if he was cute too :huh:
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    What kind of

    i can tell lol :(
  17. D

    What do you think a song said..

    theres this one song called "trouble" and i thought it went like this "trooubllle, OO-OHH trouble-trouble-trouble-trouble-trouble, trouble in all my-y years as a wo-oman" witch sounds fine right? exept the singer was not a was a man! so i was like "what the heck!!?" then i realized...
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    BAD advertizement!

    p.S i just saw two more bad ones! there was one were there was a girl in a really revailing bathing suite and one other one that shows a close up of a gurls but wose wearing a thong!
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    need a nickname

    is it for pay-back?
  20. D

    BAD advertizement!

    on this site there is some REALLY bad advertizment things, like those little things on the side that advertize a certain company. a lot of times when im scrolling down and i see on the side, a mach making company that shows to blonde gurls making out :( and im like OMG there are...