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  1. D

    wats wrong?

    well u can see cuz he usually breaths regular and now he breaths really slowly
  2. D

    bad words

    and "crap" started out as a replacement bad word like darn or, shoot and now somehow THATS considedrd a bad word too :)
  3. D

    bad words

    yes but darn is regarding disrespect and we can say that
  4. D

    Are you white or black?

    im green. jk i gues im neither ima latina (sp?) so im both in a way ^.^ anywho i consider this question a wee bit racist it doent matter the color of our skin i9 dont see why anyone would wanna know
  5. D

    Do you plan on getting married?

    marige isnt taking care of somone (well SOME people need to be tended too xD) and if u were married to someone you definatly woukldnt say you have to "put up" with him/her marrige is when you love somone and want to be with them every day of (not "put up" with them) your life :)
  6. D

    Do you plan on getting married?

    of corse i want to be married evry one wants some one to love and be loved by, im tellin you love in the best feeling in the world ^.^ plus i dont want to die alone O.O
  7. D


    im sorry to hear that, somtimes its just ur attitude, focus on the good things insted of the bad i pomise u it would help and dont tell me "there are no good things" cuz there are, good things are every were they may even be right infront of your nose, theres a story that i want to share: there...
  8. D

    wierd thought...

    here are som weird thoughts: i was just sitting and thinking and then i was like "woah" i realized that....well u no how women carry eggs and one comes out and is fertized and ...yeah u get the idea, i was just so amazed that I was the one born out of the 1000s of little eggs...ME. I was the...
  9. D

    bad words

    y is there bad words? what makes them bad? i dont get it!! we can say "DARN" but we cant say "DA**" ? it makes no sense theres no point!! if anyone has an explination i would be very happy! i asked my teacher this question and she gave me detention she didnt even tell me why! whay do we have to...
  10. D

    wats wrong?

    but what im really worried about is that the food dish has the same amount of food in it that it did 3 days ago and he also not drining and his heart rate has gone down, my parents dont want to take him to the vet because hes a "lower form of life" and they "have better things to spend their...
  11. D

    wats wrong?

    i bought my hamster new food from a diffrent brand and its been 2 days without him eating a nibble, im reallyt worried!! what do i do? P.S i dont have any more of his old food
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    building a bond with my new bunny

    i got a new bunny a couple of weeks ago and i want to build a strong trust bond with him (despite the fact he is ((and will forever be)) a hutch bunny) some days he will playfully hop up to me when i open the hutch and lick my nose and other days the moment i open his hutch he will cower in fear...
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    the title says it all if not then go to Edit: i did not mean "do u use i?" i meant 'do u use it"
  14. D

    cunfuzzled about bunnies

    i was reading two diffrent things about bunnies and one said that u should let your bunny do what he wants (with boundries of corse) so he feels confedint and your should give him attention when ever he wants it and let him be in control anouther thing was telling me that you should be in...
  15. D

    cookie recipies

    does anyone have some good cookie repipies? i love to bake cookies and one thing that always helps to make a cookie tast great is to add rice crispies xD i was experimenting and it actually tastes great, i love making "double chocolate chip rice crispy cookies"
  16. D

    my friends and i are having a fight

    my friend and i decided that we would colect cans and bring them to the recycle place for money so we waited a long time and colected a lot of cans, i colected 200 in a month , she only colected 5! when we brought the cans to the recycle place we got some cash but she said she wanted to split it...
  17. D

    Prank Call Ideas

    this was a prank cal i did with some guy i no named alex i was asking him (it fun to prank call him cuz he plays along xD ) P.S i was using a strang accent me: are u bonde or brooonette alex: excuse me me: are u blonde or brooonette alex: u mean brenettte? (sp?) me: yesyes very gooood...
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    i acidntly broke my brothers tow

    they no he broke it but they dont no HOW , he didnt tell them so he could hold it over me
  19. D

    i acidntly broke my brothers tow

    ok we had a bad stench coming from outside and my little brother ran outside to smell it and he left the door open so the smell was coming inside and i ran over and closed the door and it turned out at the same time, he was running to come back in ,and he broke his tow, now he has an itsy bitsy...
  20. D

    Have you ever;

    i had a dream that we were sitting at the lunch tables and i was naked and som OTHER ppl were naked so i was like , Oh ok, its ok to be naked than atleast im not the only one! so ithen i was walking down the hall and i forgot i was naked and three guys were staring at me as they walked by and i...