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  1. D

    What's one website...

    myspace myspace myspace
  2. D

    Do you have any weird fears?

    the ride at dysneyland "its a small world"!!!!
  3. D

    Do you wear makeup?

    if i could only wear one item of makeup, it would be eyeliner. i ALWAYS wear it (im sad to say i feel so ugly without it) i dont like the fact that i cant feel confident without makeup but its true so i try to wear as little as possible (never have racoon eyes!!) its hard to eplain but on you...
  4. D

    guy problem....

    ok, during english today he passed me a note that said "will you go out with me?" and i circled "yes" then at the end of class i high-fived him and gave him the note, mid-high-five. (smooth, huh? :D ) but now im REALY nervous! a few times we just smiled at each other and you have no idea how...
  5. D

    Say No...

    no wait, that was a quote of somthing that a lot of ppl have told me and i DONT agree with it (i repeat, i DO NOT agree with it) i say no on prop 8 cuz, no matter wat anyone says, it IS discrimintaion
  6. D

    guy problem....

    ok heres the deal,(please be patient and read it all, sorry i wnet into so much detail, i just HAD to get this off my chest!) ever since i started this new school ive been kinda crushing on this one guy, who is in a pretty good portion of my classes. He's not exactly the hottest boy in the...
  7. D

    Obama vs. Mccain

    i was just thiking somthing kinda random (but still on topic ;P ) you know how Obamma and Mccain arnt the ONLY people running for president (they are just the main parties) well wouldnt that be funny if one of those other ppl won as president, like, really un-expected? lol
  8. D

    Say No...

    omg THANK you! ALL the people at my school are like "SAY YES ON PROP 8!!" but i think its really stupid, these are the excuses i got from ppl when i asked them why they say yes: "we've had only straight marriges for so long. We would never be able to adapt!" (yea just like we TOTTALLY coulnt...
  9. D

    im REALLY worried about my friend!

    my friend's parents are devorced and her mom is an alcohalic, she was drunk last night and she started talking about how she wished her ex husband was dead and how hes a "good-for-nothing looser" and my friend got really mad cuz she loves her dad so she told her mom to stop saying that and her...
  10. D

    is it safe?

    thats what i assumed, i feel really horrible acusing my online boyfriend of being a 47 year old perv
  11. D

    is it safe?

    i met this guy online, weve been online "dating" for a year, and weve been online friends for two years he recently gave me his phone number ( i forgot it anyway) aperently he lives within driving distance of me, not too far (cuz he experienced the same small earth quake the other day that i...
  12. D

    Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

    wow, you people are the first peopl ive ever heard say they didnt like it! i personally liked it. you should read it if u like: ~romance ~drama ~si-fi ~ guys who are all too perfect ~guys who talk with big words i dont understand
  13. D

    What's your favourite type of book?

    si-fi romance sad fantysy
  14. D


    has anyone read the twilight series? your thouhts on the book?
  15. D

    bunny baby shower xD

    my friends bunny is pregnat and yesterday we had a bunny baby shower! xD yeah we were really bored! our neibor is a bunny breeder (witch is were we got out bunnies) and she let us have the shower there, she had a HUGE trampoliene in her back yard so we took out all of our favorite bunnies from...
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    BABY BIRD :-)

    congradulations on the baby!! ^.^ i always wanted a bird im sure he/she will be a great addition to the family
  17. D

    i think my hamster is having a heat stroke

    i think my hamster is having a heat stroke, what do i do?!
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    Scariest Thing...

    my uncle took his shirt of at the pool ...i. wil. be. scared. for. LIFE
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    deodarant is GOOD
  20. D

    Holy Muffin Tops

    i live in southern california wich is pretty much like a very green desert, we have it hot all the time it was in the 100s all month, i like it....and yet i also hate it cuz we are all sweaty and gross, but we are used to it over here