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  1. D

    i might get a bunny...

    ok i was talking to my friend jordan las weekend and she has a lot of bunnies, i was telling her "oh i wish i had a bunny" and she said 'you can have one of mine" i thought she was joking so i just laughed then she said "no realy u can have him" and i was like o.0 "whats the cach? is he evil or...
  2. D

    My Kitty-Kat

    i though it said "my kit-kat" and i was like "ok? that girl REALLY loves her candy to make a post about it(and have a video of it)" XD cute kitty! i LOVE it
  3. D

    "just be yourself"...

    thats the exact way i am, yeah mabey its just the way i am around diffrent ppl, its just it seems like everyone i no has a DISTINCT personality wereever they are (EX, rayden is shy, claros is nice, penelope is girly, brooke is a valy girl, makena is sporty, miranda is hyper, and ally is sweet)
  4. D

    What's you bedroom theme?

    mine is "surfer girl" or "hawaian" (however u spell it XD) i have an orenge bed with a hibuiscuz flower print on the sheets and a big wooden sign that says "aloha" and a licesns plate hanging on my wall that says pradise and a lot of skater stickers all over my door (i skate-board ^.^) and my...
  5. D

    "just be yourself"...

    i no this sounds wierd but i dont really know what my personality is, somdays i act REALLY tomboy-ish and the next day ill act really girly and the next day ill act really shy and the NEXT day ill act all weird and outgoing i dont know HWAT the HECK my personality is! im all confuzed! does...
  6. D

    are you comftreble around...

    anouther thing is for some reson when im around boys that i dont really know i act really tombopy-ish and when im around girls i dont really know i act all girly and when im with my best friends (either gender) then i just act like...i dont know, me
  7. D

    are you comftreble around...

    its not that IM not comterbale around boys its that my friends are, i mean, cmon we are in 7th grade and they STILL act as is guys have 'cooties' or somthin :furawatchi: im really comfterbale around guys...unless they are really cute or somthing XD then i get all nervous ad i say dumb stuff...
  8. D

    are you comftreble around...

    its a wierd question but, do u feel comfterble around the opisite gender? do u get really nervous around them? do u ONLY hang out with your gender? do u ONLY hang out with the opisite gender? wierd questions i no but im just wonderin'
  9. D

    Where do you get your avvies?

    O.M.G I LOVE ur avatar!!! its soooooo awsome!!!! i want one!!
  10. D

    if u could swich bodies with ANYONE...

    if u could swich bodies for a day with ANYONE who would it be and why/ i no its a wierd topic xD
  11. D

    Your friends on TT.

    mine are milieyroxursox billowillow paper*cut fishfreak blueship ~mileycirus~ AND SOOOOO much more (im SOOOOOO sorry if ur my friend and i didnt metion ur name, my minds going kinda blank >.<)
  12. D

    what are some of your secrets

    ~im an illigal allien ~ im inlove with spongebob ~ i have 80 cats ~ i am hannah montana JK, i DO have a secret but its SOOO secret that i cant tell enyone so HA
  13. D

    Juicy Couture

    my friend is so obssed with it and she want every one to KNOW that she 'cool' cuz she has juicy stuff, she always puts a lot of entishs on "juicy cuture' when shes talking, shes like "oh yeah i just got think JUCY CUTUR perfume wile i was shopping at the JUCY CUTUR shop, wile carieing my JUICY...
  14. D

    Do u wear make-up?

    i wear lip gloss, acasonally mascara and rarly eyeliner but thats pertty much it
  15. D

    do you have tonsils?

    erm... *checks toncils* yup..i sure do ^.^
  16. D

    Juicy Couture

    meh, juicy cuture is soo... sooo...idk its just that every gurl wears juicy cuture cuz its 'fashinable' i dont shop ther cuz i wanna be diffrent and specail'n'stuff and cuz its overpriced and i could buy a shirt that looks exactly like the one at that store and a cheeper store 4 like, $5.00 XP...
  17. D

    Havin a bad day?

    meh ~ *teacher yealed ayt me for talking to sara *teacher moved sara acroos the room and replaced her with kyle *kyle was being anoying *spazzed out in class for no reson * i embarassed mehself just like any other day ^.^
  18. D

    word that make u hungrey

    when i here theese words i get hungreyXP ~super ~cream ~silk ~flurgle (made up XD) ~gum ~gump ~ brew ~caldren idk why it has NOTNHING to do with the assosiation with the word's meanin just the word itself makes me hungry XP has that ever happend to u?
  19. D

    cheerleaders... like me or are u one?

    i feel the consept of cheerleading is just soooo... AAUUH! i dont like it! it strated out with football... the boys all started playing football and the girls asked "what can we do?" and the boys are like "well u can dress up in short skirts and dance around for us on the side-lines" :wacko...
  20. D

    Soldier throwing puppy off a cliff.!!