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  1. PockyGirl

    When to bring your Tamagotchi to school and when to NOT

    I play this game at work. Sometimes if I have a second to glance down and shove food and sweets at them to keep them happy I do so. Fifteens and lunches are used to get their weight down again. Sound is kept off so no one will hear them beep.
  2. PockyGirl

    What's something you are currently very happy about?

    My iDL English arrived today.
  3. PockyGirl

    Does anyone over the age of 16 still play with tamagotchis?

    25 and holding here... (29) I still take care of tamagotchis. You don't age out of anything unless you want to.
  4. PockyGirl

    Stuff you are obsessed with

    Rune Factory 4 Big Hero 6 (I need a Baymax in my life.) Waiting for Story of Seasons(new Harvest Moon game with its new name SoS) Finding Gluten-free food I can eat
  5. PockyGirl

    what have you got in the mail today *continued* <3

    My teal Tamagotchi Color arrived yesterday night. I've been wanting that since its been released. Edit: My new Tamagotchi iDL E came today.
  6. PockyGirl

    What is everyone up to?

    Regretting my decision to take a higher position at work. What sense does it even make not to even teach me what I need to know to do the job correctly.
  7. PockyGirl

    Losing a pet

    I'm sorry for your loss. Its never easy to lose a furry family member, its one of the sad parts of pet ownership. Think of those happy memories with him instead of the sad ones. I've always coped with the lose of a pet by adopting a another pet who needs a home. Everyone is different though...
  8. PockyGirl

    What's something you are currently very happy about?

    My teal Tamagotchi color came in the mail today. 43 days earlier then expected.
  9. PockyGirl

    What game do you play the most?

    Up until recently Animal crossing new leaf. Must have over 1000 hours sunk into that game. I'd been playing off and on since June-14-13.
  10. PockyGirl

    Tamagotchi Friends ... Worst Version Yet?

    Didn't care for the Tamagotchi Friends. I'm disappointed with Bandai over the release of TF. I dislike that these aren't in color. I could have learned to live with that if the buttons responded most of the time. Its a poorly made tamagotchi. Edit: It also makes it feel like Bandai could care...
  11. PockyGirl

    Not as many Tamatalkers?

    I've been off and on here over the years. Just looking at some of my posts from 06/07 are embarrassing.(was immature young 20 something) Came back looking for info on the Tamagotchi Friend release. This place is a lot less busy as it used to be in the past. While it is peaceful I kind of wish...
  12. PockyGirl

    Favourite Tamagotchi Version

    The original tamagotchis will always have a special place in my heart.(96/97 releases) My favorite from the connection era is v1 to v3. Out of the color Tamagotchi the first full color release is my favorite for being simple.
  13. PockyGirl

    Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...

    I can't eat products made with gluten anymore. I cheat sometimes and end up regretting it later. (Is feeling sick right now and has messed up bowels for eating pizza ) Not worth cheating. Anxiety issues Avoidant dependent on others No Social Skills Trust Issues
  14. PockyGirl

    What are u Running?

    A v3, Uratama, and my iDL
  15. PockyGirl

    stuff you regret doing to/doing with your tamas?

    Putting super glue and crystals on some of my tamagotchi. They look great... until the crystals start falling off. Not storing my tamagotchis in a cooler place.(my poor iDL is turning yellow...)
  16. PockyGirl

    My iDL's outter shell turned yellowish color in the front

    Thank you everyone. I think it may have been caused by the heat. My room gets unbearably hot in summer. Any new tamagotchis I buy are going to be store else where from now on.
  17. PockyGirl

    My iDL's outter shell turned yellowish color in the front

    Not happy about this. I had it stored in its original box and barely used. My uncle lived right under my bedroom when he was alive and a smoker. The upstairs household is smoke free. Possible damage from nicotine? Has anyone else have this happen?
  18. PockyGirl

    Getting Back Into Tamas?

    I make a point to try and start a Tamagotchi up every year for this reason.
  19. PockyGirl

    Tamagotchi Friends..?

    Really Bandai?! Japan has had color Tamagotchi for quite a few years now. I feel like them giving TF the same iDL look was them just trolling us. I did purchase one but I regret it now. I can't even play the games because of the poor button reaction time. I taken out the batteries for now. I...
  20. PockyGirl

    What are you doing right now

    Listening to music. Watching black swallowtail caterpillars eatting parsley and one shed into its third instar stage.