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  1. PockyGirl

    Your Tama Schedule

    Their clock is set to the same time as mine. I do bring my Tamagotchi to work with me. First thing I do is spend my Tama P off to school, the rest I take care of on fifthteens and lunches. After work is just checking to see if anyone needs anything.
  2. PockyGirl

    What are u Running?

    TMGCC+,iDL, and Tama P right now. minus the iDL now. Three was just to much.
  3. PockyGirl

    Wii's Devilgotchi Log

    I have a question.Is the price you pay for the Devilgotchi worth it? I've wanted one for a long time but have always talked myself out of getting one.
  4. PockyGirl

    Tamagotchi 4u?

    I hear there isn't much content on it without the app. I do not not own anything that would be able to run plus download anything on to the Tama. Is it similar to the Tamagotchi color+ without the app? TMGCC+ is my favorite because its simple. I don't really like dressing up my tamagotchi...
  5. PockyGirl

    Dropped by to say hi!

    Hello I recently came back to this site myself. Seems like this site just died since the last time I was here. Hoping I just hit during a slow patch. I was 18 when I joined this site and was very immature for my age. More mature now then back then. My old posts embarrass me.People still think...
  6. PockyGirl

    Games that are guilty pleasures

    Disney Magical World and Tomodatchi Life I regret neither. Though I do recommend getting Tomodatchi Life at a cheap price. Its fun to play around with while waiting for that one game you want that isn't out yet. Favorite food reactions are hilarious along with the news reports. Dylas from RF4...
  7. PockyGirl

    Games that you plan on getting/want?

    Story of Seasons, I need my farming fix. I wouldn't mind getting Majora's Mask 3D someday. Its just not at the top of my list. While I like Zelda games it takes me forever to finish them, I get distracted to easily.
  8. PockyGirl

    Pocky's Life with Tamagotchis

    Can't let my Kuchipatchi and Metal Kuromametchi go right now. I gave Kuchipatchi a little chef hat to run around everywhere with. To be honest I wasn't even sure if iDL's or P's died of old age. Google decided it wanted to amuse me with its random fill ins of: "Do Tamagotchi iDL characters die...
  9. PockyGirl

    What is your sexuality?

    I consider myself asexual. I never really have felt attracted to other people. I prefer to have friendships with others.
  10. PockyGirl

    Pocky's Life with Tamagotchis

    Purple iDL still isn't up and running as I have decided to fight back against its yellowing shell. It was either that or buy a new one. (it bothers me that much) Put my iDLE away in favor of starting another tamagotchi. I decided to start up my teal Tamagotchi color Plus. To be honest it is my...
  11. PockyGirl

    Things that make you feel uncomfortable/awkward/nervous

    That awkward silence when I run out of things to say when with my friend. We are both pretty quiet by nature. There is only so much you can talk about. Public displays of affection really make me feel uncomfortable.
  12. PockyGirl

    Who, or what raised your interest and got you started in Tamagotchi?

    A conversation 11 year old me overheard in 97. Soon after that I had my own little tamagotchi. Been a fan of virtual pets since.
  13. PockyGirl

    What are you listening to now?

    A Halloween Cd my friend put together for me for Halloween last year. I just happen to like listening to creepy music.
  14. PockyGirl

    -GIRLS- Size and weight

    An unhealthy weight. I used to weight 32 lbs more though, I need to lose 65 more lbs to be my ideal weight. I just don't have that body build to be that skinny.(I'm 5'7")
  15. PockyGirl

    Pocky's Life with Tamagotchis

    Been busy the last two nights. My other iDl's character turned into Kuromametchi. I plan to keep him for a while. Right now the batteries are out because I didn't have time to care for him this morning. Probably get the batteries back in tomorrow. Mametchi got married today and left a baby...
  16. PockyGirl

    What's something you are currently very happy about?

    spending time with my cousin and laughing at the good ol' days today.
  17. PockyGirl

    Pocky's Life with Tamagotchis

    Yesterday the twins both changed into Hanikamitchi. It was a very uneventful day I have a hard time ignoring tamagotchi. Went to my local thrift shop looking for Tamagotchis. I did find a 2012 furby though for two dollars. Also found a Harry Potter comic that I dropped as soon as I read the...
  18. PockyGirl

    Pocky's Life with Tamagotchis

    This should help me out, thanks. :)
  19. PockyGirl

    Your Tamagotchi Wishlist

    The devilgotchi. Its not like I don't have the money to do it, its just I can't see myself putting the money out to do it. Plus I think my family would then think I'm more crazy then they already do. Any clear sell designs, they are my favorite. (non tamagotchi)A new Pokemon pikachu Any...
  20. PockyGirl

    Pocky's Life with Tamagotchis

    Just now getting back into Tamagotchis after animal crossing new leaf distracted me for a year and a half. I have my purple iDL and green iDLE running at the moment. I seem to be having a hard time getting good care characters. Instead I end up getting either excellent or bad care characters...