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  1. PockyGirl

    What made you happy today?

    Went to the thrift store today. Bought a Gold Compu Kitty Giga Pet, a black Yuki Penguin, and a purple P1 all for $1.95. So excited can't wait to get some batteries to test them out. *crosses fingers* The compu kitty looked barely used with no paint damage.
  2. PockyGirl

    What made you happy today?

    Listening to this vocaloid cover that introduced me to the original which is even more beautiful to the ears. It has a calming effect on me. Making me worry less right now which makes me feel happier. Edit: GAH posted wrong video >.<
  3. PockyGirl

    For color owners

    color +, idL and idLEnglish, Tamagotchi P. My favorite has always been the color Plus. If people want a simple pet like Tamagotchi I recommend it.
  4. PockyGirl

    Why Do You Like Tamagotchi's So Much?

    Usually when I like something I get really into it, including looking up whatever I can on it until there is nothing left to know or I move onto something else. Tamagotchi/virtual pets has been one of my longest interest(18 years). Tamagotchi just make me feel better when I'm feeling down. They...
  5. PockyGirl

    What do you do when you can't name your tamagotchi?

    Back in my day we didn't get such luxuries as naming our tamagotchis, we had to use this thing called imagination. I kidding but yeah I grew up with ones that were like this so it never bother me not being able to name my tamagotchi on the modern ones. I was never good at coming up with names...
  6. PockyGirl

    What are you watching now?

    Ghost stories on tv.
  7. PockyGirl

    Tamagotchi's That You Want?

    A Devilgotchi but the price detered me from buying it in the past, plus right now I can't afford to buy it even if I wanted to. Clear shell or pretty shell designs.
  8. PockyGirl

    What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?

    Food police. You don't know and you have no business telling others how or what they should be eating. This goes both ways: Don't tell someone skinny to go eat a cheeseburger, also don't tell a heavy person to eat a salad.(though if someone told me that I'd LMAO, I love salad/the kind with just...
  9. PockyGirl

    Favorite Tamagotchi Generation? (Poll!)

    Also forgot that you can feed your adult Tamagotchi a snack of Sake(yes this is a snack option/it makes them a little drunk) Mine live on a diet of MCD cheeseburgers and Alcohol. This has always amused me. Do the other color tamas have that?
  10. PockyGirl

    Male Tamagotchis vs Female Tamagotchis

    I miss when Tamagotchi characters could be any gender and just looked like pets. This doesn't count but I love both the male and female looks on the Tama P's Baby change pierce.
  11. PockyGirl

    Favorite Tamagotchi Generation? (Poll!)

    Its a simpler one and more pet like out of all the color Tamagotchi. I like my Tamas to be as pet like as possible(even in the P I don't dress them up to much). Oh and the weather in the Tamagotchi color plays a bigger part than the other color Tamas. For one example(ignore Tama P): You are...
  12. PockyGirl

    Favorite Tamagotchi Generation? (Poll!)

    Voted: V1 V2 V3 Other: P1/P2 from the 90s Tamagotchi Color Plus Tamagotchi P
  13. PockyGirl

    New Hatsune Miku 3ds game

    Are you sure? (Love the fuzzy Oliver picture by the way)
  14. PockyGirl

    First World Problems

    This time it is an actual problem: Target called me and offered me a 4am shift. Problem is I can't get in that time... :( Hopefully something opens up there more in my time range. Otherwise I gotta keep looking. Employer people I'm a hard worker and as long as tell me what you want from me...
  15. PockyGirl

    Pocky's Life with Tamagotchis

    Thanks I glad someone likes my log. I try my best with it. While I know everyone is unique I just want to be able to mingle with others better. I get written off by people as odd.(some of my family members even compare me to Luna Lovegood from HarryPotter books) I've heard of those dolls...
  16. PockyGirl

    What are you listening to now? Why should I Worry from the movie Oliver and Company.
  17. PockyGirl

    New Hatsune Miku 3ds game

    I've got this game for my 3DS its Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX. I like it but I miss being able to see the vocaloids interact with the items, like they did in the Project Diva game for the vita. It does have something over the Project Diva game: You can change the singers of some of the songs...
  18. PockyGirl

    Tell your dreams

    Yesterday I had a dream that freaked me out. I dreamed that I was invited to a wedding that was in the middle of the night in a graveyard. If that wasn't freaky enough we then stayed at a haunted hotel. Stuff started happening even before we got to bed. I wanted to leave right away. Then my...
  19. PockyGirl

    Do you prefer it when Tamagotchis die or leave?

    Voted on this board but never replied to it. I think death is more realistic and doesn't hide the truth from children. I think its far better to have children to understand what death is than to hide it from them.
  20. PockyGirl

    Pocky's Life with Tamagotchis

    For some reason I just feel really sad all of a sudden. When I was a kid I used to look up to older tamagotchi fans. Now I'm getting to that age when some of them stopped playing Tamagotchi. I don't want that to be my fate. Over the years my interest in Virtual pets has faded some. Since I've...