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  1. B

    Paris Hilton In Jail AGAIN!

    Yes! She deserves it,if you ask me.
  2. B

    rumor in club

    The obvius answer is not to start a rumor about her. That's like fighting fire with fire. Anyways, just keep saying it's not true,and if it continues,tell an adult or something like that.
  3. B

    Funny, Mean, and cute song!

    Dawn's my faveourite female character from the pokemon series. And that's saying something.
  4. B

    Powerpuff girls Z is so kawaii!

    Ok, now they even look uglier. I thought buttercup was a boy. I'm glad this is only Japan exclusive
  5. B

    What do you do...

    I usually Watch TV,or just sleep. I know that dosen't really help,but it often works for me.
  6. B

    Hospital Visits

    Only twice. Severe near-death allergic reaction, and birth
  7. B

    Funny, Mean, and cute song!

    As if we don't already know that...
  8. B

    To all people, this is the worst thing, ever!

    Well, Good luck with that. Hope it turns out to be the real one.
  9. B

    Animals And How Many

    One. My puppy. She's cute
  10. B

    To all people, this is the worst thing, ever!

    Well,good for you.If it's fake,you'll have my apologies,if it's real,congrats!
  11. B

    My new hair

    Before makes you look my girlfriend. After makes you look like my mom. What's wrong with that picture?
  12. B


    In my eyes, any good type of cake,with the ones made from scratch cake is delish.
  13. B

    To all people, this is the worst thing, ever!

    If you really want the real one,get both. that's means that you'll either have 2 real,2 fake,or a wishy-washy combination of the two.
  14. B

    To all people, this is the worst thing, ever!

    Hey, i can't really tell, so i'm just guessing.
  15. B

    To all people, this is the worst thing, ever!

    Now i see where It's tina's coming from. Those symbols look eerily the same. Also, tamaw/pants,are you complaining?
  16. B

    To all people, this is the worst thing, ever!

    I'm usually insensitive, so why bother wasting my time? Also, you'd have to be crazy to sell that toy for such a cheap price.
  17. B

    To all people, this is the worst thing, ever!

    First of all, calm down. Second of all, why on earth do you need it so badly? It's just a plastic necklace. Third of all, the expensive one is the real one. Tough break. Maybe ask your parents for an advance on your allowance. Sometimes, you won't believe how much you'll recieve if you do extra...
  18. B

    what game are you best at

    Whenever I'm allowed to look after my girlfriend's tama, I usually am good at all of them.
  19. B

    Reality Shows VS. Cartoons

    I hate reality shows,because they rarely resemble reality. This Madness has to stop. Pretty soon,that's all we'll be seeing on the network.
  20. B

    High school musical 3?

    As if 1 and 2 were'nt bad enough.