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  1. B

    PS3 vs Xbox360 vs Wii

    You call motion sensor a new generation? Granted,it's a nice break from the controller consoles,but Nintendo's lost some hardcore fans after the ditch of the controller. Motion sensitivity is ok for everything but VG consoles. The wii dosen't have the strongest library either. SMG and Brawl...
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    PS3 vs Xbox360 vs Wii

    None aren't that great. all you have is... A A gimmick (wii) B A 400$ FPS system (360) C A 1000$ ability to play blu-ray discs only (ps3)
  3. B

    Longest Relationship?

    Almost 4 years. We kept it secret,but we broke up when i found we woulden't be going to the same school toghether.
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    What do you think of school?

    Ugh. None of my friends are in my school,all the younger people are idiots,and the teachers are Psycho. It may be my 5th day,but i'm already Bored.
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    What are you listening to now?

    Gary Jules-Mad world
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    first kiss?

    Too immature,so no. ;) But i was close when i was 11.
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    Cooking Mama Cook Off

    It is, but it can get very frustraiting. It's a nice break from all the shooting games released. *coughgearsofwarcough* But it's far from perfect.
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    Official Super smash bros Brawl topic

    I'm going to get it on release date. If i'm lucky.
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    Official Super smash bros Brawl topic

    Discussion Topic Which control style will you use? Wii remote, Remote & Nunchuk, Classic controller or Gamecube controller? Super Smash Bros Brawl is the third game in the Smash Bros. series which will be released for the Wii. Super Smash Bros. was first released on the Nintendo 64 and...
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    Peh.I don't like those kind of generes.and i don't have a ps2.
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    Wii-Internet channel

    Before the end of june,it was free.Yes,i do think it's worth it because what if you're internet on your compiter was down,but your wii was working fine? You could use the internet channel to go on your favourite tamatalk.
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    Miley Cyrus

    i found it on youtube,and thought"hey,this could be alright" Turns out i was wrong. And i think my ears have stopped bleeding after i heard it.
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    What's Your Favorite Song?

    1.Points of authority-linkin park 2.Fly-epik high 3.I must be emo-hollywood undead 4.True-Mikuni Shimokawa 5.Kaisei Joshou Hallelujah -JindoOnl 2 songs are in english. one is korean and the other 2 are japanise
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    How Old Are You?

    15,But i'm tall enough to pass as an 18 year old.
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    how old were you when you got

    I'm 15,and I don't need one. So,i guess i don't have one.
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    Current Mood!

    Very apathetic. If you don't know what it means, it means that I have a Lack of interest or concern, especially regarding matters of general importance or appeal; indifference.
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    Do you like playing this?

    Tennis Swimming Baseball Soccer That's it. I'm getting destructive in Baseball,because whenever i use my bat,i put a few dents in it.
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    Which Monopoly play piece

    Im either car or the cannon
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    What are you listening to now?

    If Everyone Cared-Nickelback
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    You think they should make a v5,v6,v7+?

    I really think that the v5 is too much. They shouden't release a new system anytime they come up with a new idea. That's what expansion packs are for.