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  1. B

    Where did you get your tama?

    oh yeah i forgot about fred meyer
  2. B


    it should go away in 24hr
  3. B

    Where did you get your tama?

    I got mine at k-mart how bout u
  4. B

    Whats your Tama Name?

    cool i love those names especiallly peach. When mine tama has a baby i gona name it Nicki!!
  5. B

    I need help!

    tama_girlie I have the same one as you! Aren't they so cool
  6. B

    I need help!

    mines a 3 and i cant wait for it to elvolve!
  7. B

    Tamagotchi Gender;

    If your're wondering i voted boy cause i just got my first tama gotchi in like 6 years andi got a boy! :furawatchi:
  8. B

    where do i get one?

    I got mine at big Kmart. I also saw it at Target. But i guess it just depends where you are. they were the ones bellingham us.
  9. B

    WHat kind of tama shell do u have

    mine is blue with 8 pink circles
  10. B

    where do i get one?

    It depends where you live. Where i live it's almost impossible to find but we went to the states the other day and almost everywhere had them!! Good luck finding one. And if u can find them try to get v2 its way better
  11. B

    when does the tamagotchi ver 2 battery run out

    I'll have to start turnig sound off
  12. B

    Bump Game

    High or low? Please help
  13. B

    hey any 1 know how 2 change a tama newbie 2 a pic

    u dont need to be a tama member to have an avatar i'm a tama newbie and i have an avatar
  14. B

    Whats your Tama Name?

    Mines sunny what yours?
  15. B

    What kind of tama shell do u have?

    cool thats what my sisters is. Mine is blue with pink circles!
  16. B


    I Singed up 5 months ago and it rox. Any one who is reading this Join Now!! :(
  17. B

    Whats a Tama connexion?

    It where u can conect with your friends tama. ( up to 20 friends) and play games and send gifts