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  1. B

    Newbie, Member, etc.

    Thanx i was wonderin too!
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    School vs. Tamagotchis

    I got my first 2 tamas this summer and i'll probablyjmleave it on pause in my backpack or at home.
  3. B

    How do you Accessorise you Tamagotchi?

    I got this keychin thing and charms!
  4. B

    I got a new Tama Today!

    Cool Thats funny! What other ones do you have? I ahe 1 other one it blue with pink dots and buttons but i'm getting another one soon!
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    I got a new Tama Today!

    I saw the blue flower one it was pretty!
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    I got a new Tama Today!

    Yep and around the screen is blue!
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    I got a new Tama Today!

    I got it today i am so happy i got a cool design. It's a boy and i named it stich
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    Something wrong with my tama

    it's a zuccitchi!
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    Something wrong with my tama

    oh thanks tama hope just be carwefull with your tama if its gets to 100 it'll explode
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    Something wrong with my tama

    i have no clue it's kina all black and circus like
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    do you have..

    no but neopets .com does
  12. B

    What should I paint my kougra?

    I would paint it pink it get you the avatar. Neomail me. My username is lovable_one
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    Favorite Game?

    I voted bump It's so fun and the points are awesome
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    Something wrong with my tama

    I do but he should'nt be that small don't they have to me atleast 30 lbs?
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    Something wrong with my tama

    is that bad what should i do
  16. B

    did u see!

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    All my items turned into balls!

    I have no clue why! Sorry
  18. B

    So Cool

    I lookes at my tama and it had it's bad turned to me and a death skull but it was actually a tv. It's so cute
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    I dont have a fake but i also dont buy them of of ebay or anything like that
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    I havei t on this clip keychain thing so i just hook it to my belt hoop or put it in my pocket ^_^