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  1. B

    training level?

    A high training level is good. THe higer training level you have the better character you will get!
  2. B

    What part of your tama are you most proud of?

    I'm happy i finally got a v2. They're so much fun. And i love em!
  3. B

    More debugging....

    Me too! I confused to!
  4. B

    Hi, I'm a new-be!

    Welcome to tama talk Lumix You'll love the site!
  5. B

    Original Tamagotchis!

    That may also be cause when i had the orignal ones i was young and i couldn't fiqure it out and the always died.
  6. B

    Level of Training?

    Well. When ever your kids tama calls them do what they want. I f it went to the bathroom they need to get them to go to the bathroom ( toilet icon ) if it hungy or not happy feed it for hunger treats for happy. I f the smile face in the bottom right hand corner is light up praise it. If it has a...
  7. B

    How do I get a picture with my replys?

    It's ok. You where you reply to a poist it says IMG. Well click on that the enter the URL the push ok then next type what you want the link to the photo to be called!
  8. B


    I totally agree. I'm twelve!
  9. B


    Game: Jump Game: For the Jump game. When you see a light turn on. push the button under it in less than 0.5 seconds! Bump Game: When The sign that says PUSH comes up Push the a or b button. Then when the bar is around the middle push a or b again. And wait. For every round you beat you will...
  10. B

    shopping points

    The best way is bump. It's hard but if you tama is really fat. You'll be better. You'll get 40p every round you beat. But be careful not ot get your tama up to 100 pounds it'll explode.
  11. B

    what school r un in?

    One more year in elementary! then i go to high school!
  12. B

    does anyone here dye their hair?

    I have afew times. I usually die it a blondy orange ( like a red head) I need to die it again though.
  13. B

    first tama

    My first Tamas Name was Sunny! But he Passed Away :blink:
  14. B


    Thats so sad what s she is doing!
  15. B

    my marriage...

    Your male is to old to have a kid and your female is to young!
  16. B

    How can I get my tama to play?

    Just feed it treats!
  17. B

    Original Tamagotchis!

    I don't now i kind like conexions better!
  18. B

    Run and

  19. B

    Tamagotchi Mini

    I argree i saw them at toys r us and they do look pretty boring! But thats just me!
  20. B

    Oh no!

    Eeek that sucks. It's just good that it still works!